Friday, February 19, 2010

Kek Marble Susu


 This was another cake that I baked last week for Auntie...ontop of the brownies was for my neighbour ..I made 2 of those .. 1 for auntie and 1 for the the recipe from Bro Rozzan which he took from  CMG's blog...the sweetness is OK for me, as I didnt adjust the sugar quantity for me it    taste better the next day as it tastes moist and soft....

250g mentega-(250g butter)
230g gula halus-(230g fine sugar)
2 sudu teh ovalette-(2 tsp ovalette)
4 biji telur saiz besar-(4 large eggs)
*270g tepung halus(saya gunakan tepung hong kong flour)-(270g fine flour(I used hong kong flour)
*1 sudu teh baking powder-(1 tsp baking powder)
*disatukan dan diayak-(*mixed together and sieved)
60g susu pekat manis-(60g condensed milk)
2 sudu besar serbuk koko-(2 tbsp cocoa powder)
2 sudu besar susu cair(saya gunakan susu segar)-(2 tbsp evaporated milk- I used fresh milk)
1 sudu teh coklat emulco-(1 tsp chocolate emulco)
1 sudu teh esen vanilla(saya masukkan ini)-(1 tsp vanilla essence- I added in this)

Pukul mentega, ovalette dan gula halus hingga kembang/putih. Masukkan telur satu persatu sambil terus pukul hingga gula larut. Masukkan susu pekat dan gaul rata. Perlahankan kelajuan mixer dan masukkan tepung sedikit demi sedikit hingga habis. Satu bahagian dibiarkan plain dan satu bahagian lagi di bubuh susu cair, serbuk koko dan coklat emulco. Gaul hingga sebati. Tuang adunan secara berselang seli antara adunan plain dan adunan coklat dalam loyang yang dialas dengan kertas tracing dan telah digris dengan mentega disekelilingnya. Bakar dalam oven yang telah dipansakan pada suhu 175C selama 30-35 minit(saya bakar selama 40-45 minit). Sejukkan 5-10 minit sebelum dikeluarkan dari loyang dan diletak di redai kek. Hiaslah mengikut citarasa anda.-(Beat butter, ovalette and sugar till creamy and white. Add in eggs one by one while the mixer still beating till sugar dissolves. Add in condensed milk and mix well. Slow down the mixer and add in flour bit by bit till finish. Divide one portion to be palin and the other add in fresh milk, cocoa powder and chocolate emulco. Fold till incorporated. Pour the mixture alternately with the plain and the chocolate one into a greased tray at the sides and which has been placed with greaseproof paper. Bake the cake in a pre heated oven for 175c for 30-35 minute(I baked for 40-45 minutes). Let it cool for 5-10 minutes before taking out from the tray and put on the cooling rack. Decorate to preferrence.)


  1. Slm Ayu...Cantik marble cake tu...macam teringin pulak nak buat...

    Rajin la you ni :).....


  2. this reminds me, i should make a marble cake before balik johor minggu ni :)

  3. yat maria - walkslm, buat lah Yat, you pun dah lama tak baking..heheh

    kog - yes you should!!!..hehe..

  4. Ayu, cara u buat marbling effect u cantik betul! Bila I buat, tak pernah cantik macam ni. what's the secret, pls share! Thanks!

  5. Ananta - hehe..tersenyum bila baca comment ananta ni..kita tak ada apas secret buat marble ni..haha..cuma yang kita baca kat mana entah after u dah put the mixture layer by layer, bila nak marblekan tu just 'corak'kan using chopstick or belakang sudu not more than 3-4 times 'pusing'(break the shape of the layerings)....thats all..hehehe


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