Sunday, February 28, 2010

MCSS Military Band Reunion 2010

Mei Chin Secondary School (MCSS) Military Band Reunion was held at The Warren Condominium@ Chua Chu Kang Loop yesterday. After 26 years, it was indeed a 'heart pounding' moment as I entered the function room where the event was held...A few of my friends who have already arrived earlier was shocked to see me...the first sound I heard was 'AYUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!! that YOU!!!!!!!!.

Alammmak!!!! I felt like turning back and run 10 kilometres away!!!!!..hahaha..I just smiled and was blushing ... with my ears feeling very hot!!!(in fact some smoke came out) luckily it was covered with my nobody knows...hehe...

They yelled, 'You looked so different!!!..Then I asked them in what ways was I different? it good news or bad news?..Their answer was....well last time you are so FLAT!!! you.....they didnt finish their sentences!!! HUAWAHAHAHAHH....Then I cracked some jokeslah..Yalah!!! now so many BABAT right? many mountains and hills so many humps and lumps....we burst into laughter and thats the 'taboo' part that I was afraid off before I came to the event...haha...phew!!!..thank god they've got no choice but to bear with it..wakakakaa....
Ah!! anyway..we have to accept that we are now UNCLES and AUNTIES status..
semua dah TUEK!!!

Most of the pictures taken are candid pictures of my friends..not many of mine, there are a fewlah..but it was taken by my friends who was not sure how to handle my DSLR camera...most came out blurred and some even didnt zoom my pictures are just a handful..
below  was what was taken by one of the members spouse,  should have zoomed in nearer,
can you find me in there?....

Hahaha..dont think you can find me..cause although I was in the pictures taken, but I've already 'touched up' myself hehehe...well you know something called photoshop?...

Before we return home, each of us were told to sign our intials on the banner for the event...we were to write our names, year joined and leave the band and played what instruments.... and I guessed you should know how old I am by looking at the year I was in secondary school..hehehe..


  1. I'm so envious of people who can play musical instrument ni :-). It must be so good kan bila dapat catch up with old friends especially after 26 years!
    Psst.. I kena panggil you Kakak Ayu ke now? hehehe

  2. lemongrass - haha..alah kita tau main trumpet tu dulu2..sekarang semua dah kasi cikgu balik..nak tiup mouthpiece tu dah tak reti dah..haha..alah nak panggil kakak ke tak nak i tak kisah!!..kita kan dah modern problemo..

    kog - hahaha..memanglah confirm adik lah tu..heheh..kan dah kata..abbas saad about the same age as me..hehehe

  3. Hi Ayu..

    Huh?? seriously Abbas Saad same age?? I thot he much older?

    You dah graduate I baru masuk Sec band competition tak pernah jumpa la...not that I'm in the band but attended the band comp..Drum major sekolah kita jambu you!!! Sharifah fadilah younger sis of Syed Faruk, the footballer, pun gang Abbas Saad ..Eh Eh... what's this with Abbas eh?? stop it..

  4. Salam Sis, the lady infront beside the lady in brown tudung is my Bro In law's wife! What a small world thou i always refer to ur blog for recipes.


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