Monday, March 01, 2010

Asam Pedas Ayam

The menu which was requested by Mr Hubby when he cameback yesterday...Way before he reached Singapore he already messaged me to cook this for him.. al maklum, the weather in London was minus 2 degrees as what I was was so so cold .. over there he was served with fish & chips , steak or he  missed  the 'spicy' foodlah..haha...

1 ekor ayam kecil potong ikut suka-(1 small chicken cut to preference)
4-5 sudu besar cili kisar + 1 cm belacan bakar-(4-5 tbsp chili paste + 1 cm dried shrimp paste)
1 sudu kecil bawang putih kisar-(1 tsp minced garlics)
2 sudu besar bawang kisar-(2 tbsp minced onions)
1 sudu besar halia kisar-(1 tbsp minced ginger)
1 sudu besar kunyit serbuk-(1 tbsp turmeric powder)
2-3 keping asam keping-(2-3 dried tamarind slice)
2-3 cawan air-(2-3 cups water)
garam dan serbuk perasa secukupnya-(salt and msg to taste)
1 batang serai dititik-(1 lemon grass crushed)
segenggam daun kesum-(handful of laksa leaves)

Panaskan minyak dan tumis bahan kisar hingga garing. Masukkan serai dan kacau. Masukkan ayam dan gaul rata. Masukkan air dan biarkan hingga mendidih. Perasakan dengan garam dan serbuk perasa dan masukkan asam keping dan daun kesum.  Tambah air jika perlu. Kecilkan api dan biarkan hingga betul betul masak baru matikan api.-(Heat oil and saute minced ingredients till oil goes up the surface. Add in lemon grass and stir well. Add in chicken and stir well. Add in water and let it boil. Add salt, msg to taste and add in dried tamarind slice and laksa leaves. Add water if necessary. Low down the heat and let it simmer till chicken are cooked. Turn off heat.)


  1. Sedapnyaaa Ayuuuuu... Harus cik abang melekat kat umah kalau dapat makan asam pedas ni...kalau akak, akak boleh hirup lagi kuah diaa...orang Johor asli...memang sawan ngan asam pedas...

  2. geraugebang - hahah..melekat macam super glue!!..tak nak lepas wakakaka..memang pun kita pun hirup macam sup aah my parents side pun semua org johor..MALAYSIA 1..hehe


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