Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Sotong Goreng Kunyit

 As usual like simple dish like this again...and as usual bird eyes chillies always in there..hehe

1 kg sotong putih-(squids)
1 labu bawang besar(dihiris bulat)-(1 large onions cut in rings)
1 batang cili merah(dibelah dua)-(1 red chili sliced to half)
1 biji ubi kentang-(dipotong bulat)-( 1 potato sliced round)
sedikit serbuk kuhnyit-(a bit of turmeric powder)
sedikit kicap-(a bit of soy sauce)
sedikit sos tiram-(a bit of oyster sauce)
garam & bahan perasa-(salt &  seasoning to taste)

Sotong dibasuh dan dibersihkan. Kemudian digaulkan dengan sedikit kunyit(ikut suka) dan garam. Potong bulat ubi kentang dan goreng 1/2 masak. Aangakt. Goreng sotong 1/2 masak kemudian masukkan ubi kentang tadi, bawang besar, bawang putih, cili merah, kicap dan sedikit serbuk perasa/garam dan sos tiram. Masak kira-kira 5 minit kemudian bolehlah diangkat. Sesuai dimakan ketika panas.-(Wash and clean squids. Marinate with a bit of turmeric powder and salt. Fried potatoes 1/2 cooked and dish out. Fried squids 1/2 cooked and add in fried potatoes, onions, garlics, red chillies, soy sauce and a bit of salt/msg and oyster sauce. Cook for at least 5 minutes and dish out. Serve hot.)
Sources:-From Norizan Razali@

1 comment:

  1. sotong ni sedap masak apa pun, kan...! but especially masak hitam :)


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