Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Pau Gebu Berinti Ayam

The name Pau Gebu(Fluffy) but mine not gebu at all..hahaha...reasons maybe I only made 40g balls each and filled the filling a bit too time maybe I should do 50g each....anyway I made half the ingredients ..what I can say about this buns ..they are really cotton ..huhu...

Since my dad and me yang like the chicken fillings, compared to my mum and Mr Hubby who preferred the red beans filling..we ate more ler..hehehe...when I kneaded the dough, my mum said that she actually preferred the traditional pau..which use plain flour, yeast, salt , water and oil...well to me I wanted to try this recipe and it  definitely worth the keeping..

 Ingredients A:-
300g air suam-( warm water)
220g gula(saya gunakn gula kastor)-(sugar-I used castor sugar)
18g yis segera-(instant yeast)

Ingredients B:-
920g tepung pau(saya gunakan tepung hong kong)-(Pau flour- I used hong kong flour)
60g Vegetable fat special for Pau(saya gunakan krimwell)-(I used krimwell)
180g air-(water)
1 sudu teh bread softerner-(1 tsp bread softener)
2 sudu teh crescent baking powder(saya gunakan baking powder royal aje)-( 2 tsp baking powder)
2 sudu teh minyak masak-(2 tsp oil)

Masukan semua Bahan A, air suam kedalam mangkuk tambah yis segera dan gula. Campurkan hingga sebati dan biarkan selama 10 minit. Ayak tepung bersama baking powder. Kemudian campurkan tepung tadi bersama bahan B yang lain dan campurkan dengan bahan A tadi. Uli dengan tangan atau masukkan kedalam breadmaker sehingga sebati dan menjadi doh. Rehatkan doh 20 minit. kemudian bahagikan 30g -50g. Rehatkan lagi 10 minit. Bulatkan doh masukkan inti ikut suka-(kacang, kaya, kari daging ikut suka). Dah siap masuk inti. Tutup dengan plastik semua doh. Rehatkan lagi 20-40 minit. Untuk naikkan doh tadi 2 kali ganda.
kukus sehingga 10-15 minit. Pau ini boleh digoreng kalau tak nak kukus.-(Mix ingredients A, warm water, yeast and sugar in a bowl. Mix well and let it for 10 minutes. Sieve flour and baking powder.Combine ingredients B to A. Knead with hands or bread machine to form a dough. Let it rest for 20 minutes. Divide dough to 30-50g each. Rest again for 10 minutes. Fill in filling(red beans, kaya, beef curry or to preference). When ready cover with plastic all the doughs. Let it rest again for 20-40 minutes to let it proof double in size. Steam for 10-15 minutes. This bun can be fried if preferred.)

300g isi ayam (potong dadu kecil)-(chicken breast diced)
3 biji kentang(potong dadu kecil)-(3 potatoes diced)
1 lobak merah kecil(potong dadu kecil)-(1 small carrot dice)
2 sudu besar serbuk kari ayam- ( 2 tbsp meat curry powder)
1 cawan air-(1 cup water)
garam, gula secukup rasa-(salt and sugar to taste)
daun sup(racik)-(chinese celery chopped)

Bahan tumis:- Sauted ingredients:-
minyak-(oil )
1 ulas bawang putih hiris-(1 garlic sliced)
3 ulas bawang merah hiris-(3 shallots sliced)

Panaskan minyak dan tumiskan bahan tumis sehingga wangi. Masukkan rempah kari yang telah  dibancuh dengan sedikit air, isi ayam dan kacau rata. Masukkan kentang, carot, garam dan air. Biarkan mendidih dan  pekat. Bila telah lembut dan pekat boleh masukkan inti dalam mangkuk.-(Heat oil and saute ingredients till fragrants. Add in meat curry powder which has been mix with a bit of water to form a paste, chicken meat and stir well. Add in potaotes, carrots, salt and water. Let it cook till boil and thick. When potoatoes are soft and cooked, dish out and let cool. ready for filling)


  1. KakAyu, what can I say? Ermmm, I want! Haha! I prefer this pau with lots of filling. Owh, pls gimme some. ;)

  2. aaa u people make me hungry (u people=orang2 buat blog masak2).. and i keep coming back for more! adoooiii, gambar makanan adalah berhantu

  3. love2cook - please help yourself ..hehe..self service..aah k ayu pun suka alot of filling..

    kog - alamak..gambar makanan ada hantu ke?..hehehe..i agree w u some of the pictures of food in food blogs( in other blogs lah not mine)are really2 nice..kan..


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