Friday, February 19, 2010

Telur Dadar Masak Kari Pekat

When you see egg dishes its confirmed that  I have got no idea what to cook for the kids..haha...this was what I came out with after scrolling in other bloggers' blog..hehe..saw this in love2cook kitchen, printed out and dah siap...thank you love I put up the recipe here ya..

4 biji telur ayam(dipukul bersama sedikit garam dan digoreng dadar terlebih dahulu dipotong 6)-4 eggs lightly beaten together with some salt and fried like omelette and cut to 6-put aside)
3 ulas bawang putih(diketuk)-(garlics crushed)
1 cm halia dicincang-(1cm ginger chopped)
1 bawang besar dihiris-(1 large onion sliced)
2 biji cili hijau dihiris-(2 green chillies sliced)
1 tangkai daun kari-(1 sprig curry leaves)
sedikit halba campuran-(a bit of mixed fish spices)
2 biji ubi kentang saiz sederhana dipotong 4-(2 potatoes medium size quartered)
1 biji tomato dipotong 4-(1 tomato quartered)
2 sudu besar serbuk kari ikan-(2 tbsp fish curry powder)
sedikit jus asam jawa-( a bit of tamarind juice)
11/2 cawan air ikut suka-(11/2 cups of water up to preference)
garam secukupnya-(salt to taste)
minyak masak-(oil)

Panaskan minyak dalam kuali. Tumis halba campuran, bawang putih, halia, bawang besar hingga naik bau. Masukkan ubi kentang, jus asam jawa dan air. Tutup kuali, biar mendidih dan ubi kentang masak. Kemudiannya masukkan serbuk kari, serbuk cili, serbuk kunyit, tomato dan garam. Kacau sebati dan biarkan mendidih sekali lagi. Apabila dah cukup rasa, masukkan telur dadar tadi. Kacau mesra biarkan seketika dan padamkan api.Sedia dihidang. Kalau nak tukar dengan telur rebus pun boleh, step dia semua sama.-(Heat oil and saute mixed fish spices, garlics, ginger, onions till fragrant. Add in potatoes, tarmarind juice and water. Cover the lid and let it simmer till potatoes are cooked. Add in curry powder, chili powder, turmeric powder, tomatoes and salt. Stir well and let it simmer again. When everything is alright(taste) add in fried omelette.Stir till incorporated and let for a while. Turn off heat. Ready and serve. You can use hard boiled eggs for substitute steps are the same.)

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