Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Puding Roti Marble

Ah!! at last I made this pudding...after it has travelled to so many countries, reached so many mountains, crossed so many rivers  and some even already made this a dozen times, barulah now reached curlybabe's kitchen!!!..hehe...Memang no regrets making this!!!..after seeing so many feed backs and viewed so many pictures post...barulah nak buat kan..haha....the reasons was that my family not really a pudding fans..but after trying this I have second thoughts of pudding now..haha...

Actually made this for my brother-in-law's house warming the other day..I made 2 adunan...in a 10" tray.
True enough the mixture cepat membeku..itu yang last batch or the last scoop in the middle a bit bergentel...
Anyway..its oklah when I cut it dah tak nampak..hehe...Apa2 pun thank you Hana for the nice desserts!!..
I put the recipe here ya..

4 keping roti
2 biji telur
1/2 cawan susu pekat
170 ml susu cair
8 g serbuk agar2
1/2 cawn gula -boleh dikurangkan-(saya gunakan 1/4 cawan)
2 sudu besar butter/mentega(dicairkan)
31/2 cawan air - hana gunakan cawan biasa 230ml
2 sudu besar serbuk koko(boleh juga gunakan choc emulco) -saya gunakan choc emulco

Didihkan 3 cawan air, serbuk agar2 dan gula kedalam periuk. Blend roti, telur, susu pekat, susu cair dan balance air tadi(1/2 cawan). Kemudian masukkan dalam periuk agar2 yang sudah didih tadi. Masukkan butter/marjerin dan kacau rata sampai mendidih. Matikan api. Bahagi kepada 2. satu adunan biarkan warna asal dan satu adunan masukkan serbuk koko@choc emulco. Kacau cepat2 dan sebati hingga serbuk koko tidak berketul2. Tuangkan kedalam loyang secara berselang seli. Sesenduk adunan asal kemudian sesenduk lagi adunan coklat. Ulang hingga habis. Ketika melapis@memarble hendaklah dengan cepat sebab puding@agar nih mudah sejuk@membeku. Dah siap bolehlah disimpan didalam peti sejuk sekurang2nya sejam. Enak dimakan ketika sejuk.
Sources:-From Hanamemories.blogspot.com or hana6877@myresipi.com

The below was another 'oleh2' that I brought over for the house warming..donuts, using the premix ones..
decorated with chocolate rice and white chocolates buttons..


  1. Sedap...I know....dah lama tak buat...rasa cam nak jer masuk kat screen ambik sepotong!

  2. Salam kak ayu!! cbox akak tak mo kuar dah kenyang mkn puding agaknyer hihihi... alamakkk betullah! byk2 puding yg guna telur rasanyer puding ni yg kita leh telan sejuk2! :D lama dah tak memuding bila nak sampai seru niii... sedap ni cuaca panas2 telan sejuk2 :D

  3. Hi KakAyu...I've tried this recipe after so much bargain with KakHana...hahahaha! Kan KakHana???

    The result??? Marvellous! Loved it! ;)

  4. watierman - hahahaa..kalau boleh itu terjadi..memang kita nak masuk screen pergi rumah akak..haha

    ijayuji - walkslm, betul tu Ika, k ayu puding2 ni memang tak berapa le tapi yang ini boleh pass ditekak ..hehe

    love2cook - betul tu love..me too..after so many people did it baru lah confident gitu..haha

    fuzids - thank u fuzids..malu ni..


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