Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Nasi Goreng Cili Kering

Tengah godeh2 my pc seems my posting only comes out after 3 hours of published...huwaahaha...

6 bowls boiled cooled rice-(6 mangkuk nasi )
*15 dried chillies-soaked-(chili kering)
*9 shallots-(bawang merah)
*2 handful of anchovies-(2 genggam ikan bilis)
*thumbsize shrimp paste -(sebesar ibu jari  belacan)
2 eggs -(2 biji telur)
salt & msg to taste -(garam & serbuk perasa secukupnya)
(*ground ingredients coarsely) -(bahan2 ditumbuk kasar)

Heat oil and saute grounded ingredients till oil rises up the surface. Add in eggs and stir well. Add in salt and msg and stir again. Add rice and stir till incorporated.Ready.-(Panaskan minyak dan tumis bahan2 tumbuk hingga garing. Masukkan telur dan kacau. Perasakn denagn garam & perasa secukupnya. Masukkan nasi dan gaul rata. Siap untuk dihidang).

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