Friday, March 19, 2010

Fried Radish Cake - Chye Tau Kueh

 Salam on this cool Friday night...made another Chinese menu  today for our lunch and also for auntie..Fried Radish Cake, or normally I called it Fried Carrot Cake..... for Malays something  like the 'lontong goreng' only thing this one uses the radish(lobak putih)...Mr Hubby's favourite, if we came across the halal stall outside...well the original were to use lard, which I substitute to normal cooking oil...been wanting to try this recipe for quite sometimes..until I saw White Radish Cake@ Loh Pak Kau  at Hana's blog, then reminded me of this recipe...

Actually there are readymade radish cakes outside, left for you to just  fry them, but also not sure of the 'halal certified' here what I already made and tried.. Auntie's comment was 'good!!'..hehe..Hasif asked me to fry another batch for him when he finished the first...huhu..

ps:- After typing this long essay(recipe) my kepala sudah pening ler..haha..

1 big Chinese Radish about 625g skinned and finely grated-(I just blended)-(1 lobak putih seberat 625g buang kulit dan parut-saya blender aje)
4 cups water-(4 cawan air)
1 tbsp salt-(1 sudu besar garam)
1 tsp msg-optional-(1 sudu kecil pak aji-optional)
*625g wet rice flour-(625g adunan tepung beras yg basah)
310g plain flour-(310g tepung gandum)
4 cups water-(4 cawan air)
2 tbsp oil -(2 sudu besar minyak masak)

To prepare cake-(cara membuat kek)
Place grated radish in a saucepan of cold water and bring to boil for 10 minutes. Drain and repeat boiling process. Drain and set aside-(Bubuh parutan lobak putih didalam periuk yang berisi air dan mendidihkan selama 10 minit. Buang airnya dan tos. Mendidihkan lagi dan ulang procedure. Buang air, toskan dan ketepikan.)
In a saucepan, combine the 4 cups water, salt, sugar and MSG, if using. Bring to boil.In a large bowl, combine the wet rice flour, plain flour and the second 4 cups of water and stir until well blended. Pour the flour mixture gradually into the saucepan of boiling water, stirring constantly. -(Campurkan 4 cawan air, garam gula dan pak aji, kalau digunakan. Biarkan mendidih. Didalam mangkuk besar, campurkan tepung beras basah, tepung gandum dan 4 cawan air yang kedua dan kacau hingga sebati. Tuangkan campuran tepung kedalam periuk yang mendidih tadi dan kacau hinnga rata.)
Add the radish and cooking oil and reduce the heat to low. Using a wooden spoon, stir mixture until it becomes thick and pasty and is only half cooked. Remove saucepan from the heat and pour the flour mixture into a square pan or into 3 loaf pans,22cm x 8cm x 8 cm. Place pans in a steamer and steam for 11/2 hours. When cooked, remove pans from steamer and leave radish cakes to cool completely in the pans before frying.-(Masukkan lobak putih dan minyak masak dan perlahan kan api. Gunakan senduk kayu kacau hingga sebati dan pekat dan setengah masak saja. Alihkan periuk dan masukkan aduna kedalam loyang empat persegi atau 3 loyang yg berukuran 22cm x 8cm x 8cm. Kukus adunan selam 11/2 jam. Bila dah masak angkat dari kukusan dan biarkan sejuk sebelum digoreng.)
Note:-Steamed radish cake can be kept in the fridge for 1 week.

625g fine rice flour-(625g tepung beras)
425ml cold water-(425ml air sejuk)

Place flour in a mixing bowl and gradually pour in the cold water. Stir until it becomes a firm paste. Use the amount required for each recipe and keep the remainder in the freezer for future use.-(Bubuh tepung beras didalam mangkuk adunan dan kacau perlahan2 dengan air sejuk. Kacau hingga sebati dan menjadi pes yang pekat. Gunakan berapa sukatan yang dikehendaki dan simpan balancenya didalam freezer untuk kegunaan akan datang.)

For frying Radish Cake
radish cake 4pcs, 8cm x 8cm x 1 cm thick-(kek lobak putih, 4 keping, (8cm x 8cm x 1cm)
2 eggs-(2 biji telur)
1 tbsp dark soy sauce-I  used light soy sauce-(1 sudu besar kicap pekat-saya gunakan kicap cair)
1/2 tbsp minced garlic-(1/2 sudu besar bawang putih cincang)
*2 tbsp chili sauce-(2 sudu besar chili sos)
1 tbsp sweet black sauce-i didnt use this-(1 sudu besar kicap manis- saya tak letak ni)
1 tbsp salted radish(chai poh)-(1 sudu besar chaipoh)
pepper to taste-(serbuk lada putihj secukup rasa)
lard for frying-i used cooking oil-(minyak masak)


Heat an iron wok  until smoking hot. Add some lard and fry radish cake pieces until brown and slightly crisp. Push radish cake pieces to one side of wok. add 2 tbsp lard into the wok and heat through. break in eggs and spread them in a thin layer and cook. Stir the radish cake pices into the eggs and mix. Add the dark soy sauce and stir fry, chopping radish cake pieces as you go along. Push radish cake mixture to one side of wok again, add 1 tbsp lard and fry garlics until light brown. Add 1-2 tbsp chili sauce into wok and push the radish cake mixture back into the centre of the wok to combine. add sweet black sauce and salted radish with another 1-2 tbsp lard. Stir fry for another 1-2 minutes. Lastly add spring onions. Transfer fried radish cake to a plate, add pepper and serve.-(Panaskan kuali hingga berasap. Masukkan sedikit minyak dan goreng ketulan kek lobak hingga garing dan keperangan. Tolak ketulan kek ketepi dan masukkan 2 sudu besar minyak dan biarkan panas sebentar dan masukkan telur dan kacau nipis hingga masak. Tolak ketulan kek ketengah dan kacau rata. Masukkan kicap pekat dan gaul, sambil pecah2kan ketulan kek seterusnya. Tolak ketulan kek ketepi lagi dan masukkan 1 sudu besar minyak dan goreng bawang putih hingga berubah warna. Masukkan sos chili kedalm kuali dan tolak ketulan kek ketengah dan gaul rata. Masukkan kicap manis dan chai poh bersama dengan 1-2 sudu besar minyak. Kacau selama 1-2 minit lagi. Akhir sekali masukkan daun bawang dan bubuhkan serbuk lada putih keatas dan hidangkan.)

1 tbsp lard-I used cooking oil-(1sudu besar minyak masak)
1 tbsp minced garlics-(1 sudu besar bawang putih cincang)
3/4 tsp shrimp paste/belacan crumbled-(3/4 sudu kecil belacan)
1/4 cup chili paste-(1/4 cawan cili kisar)
11/2 cup water-(11/2 cawan air)
11/2 tsp salt-(11/2 sudu kecil garam)
1 tbsp sugar-(1 sudu besar gula)
1 tsp pepper-(1 sudu kecil serbuk lada putih)

Heat lard in a small saucepan, Add garlic and shrimp paste and fry until brown and fragrant. Add the rest of the ingredients into the pan and bring to boil for 5 minutes over gentle heat. Cool and use as required.
-( Panaskan minyak , masukkan bawang putih dan belacan dan tumis hingga garing dan naik bau. Masukkan bahan2 yang lain dan biarkan reneh hingga 5 minit menggunakan api yang kecil. Sejukkan dan guna bila mau.)
Sources:-From The Best of Singapore recipes-Mrs Leong Yee Soo


  1. Salaam Ayu,

    Tengok your "lontong goreng" masa hari hujan gini buat i lapar la...very menggoda...

  2. Salam Kak Ayu...Waaaahhhhhh...finally jumpa gak resipinya kat sini...Dulu masa family day kat genting ada makan ni..hubby suka xterlintas pula nak cari resipinya..last-last muncul kat sini, simpan dulu resipinya ni...tunggu sampai seruuuu

  3. Slm Ayu...authentic chye tau kueh yg sangat2 sedap tu...wldnt mind a pingan or 2 ;)

  4. rahayu ahmad - wakslm, haha..kalau dekat memang kita kasi awak sepiring..hehe

    sue@nenie - walkslm, hahaha..rezeki..dah jumpa..dah recipinya..masuk list lah dulu kalau rajin nanti boleh lah buat kan..haha

    Yat maria - walkslm, ok i wait for at bus- stop depan library causeway point ok..heheh

  5. salam ayu.mmmmph ni mmg mknan goreng2 favorite akak.dh lma trcari2 resepi.rupanya x le susah n x le senang sgt.yg susah bhgian radih kek tu le.iAllah akan cuba one dy.thnx

  6. julie - walsklm, aah this recipe pun kita tercari2 juga dulu beli buku ni pun sebab nak recipe chye tau kueh nilah ..hehe..cubalah kak..kalau nak buat adunan ni dapat banyak juga so kena adjust lah ikut rakyat jelata kat rumah ya..kak ni dari spore ke msia ya?..curious ni..hehe


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