Monday, March 22, 2010

Daging Kunyit Pedas

Hello, there..the day has almost come to end, baru managed to the kids are back at school and I just came back from the clinic as I was not feeling really well since Saturday..body aching and had a migraine, on left side of my head...but still manageble lah...not like last time where I used to have fits when I got them...especially during  I was working, the stress and hectic was normally the cause...sampai masuk hospital tau....huh.. much of that I managed to cook this menu on Saturday.. .Mr Hubby's favourite..BEEF!!..cook any style of dish menu as long beef sure this recipe from Yatie  in Lousiana, USA ...imagine went that far to get this recipe hor!!...dont play play ha..I like it too, although I dont fancy beef...Thanks Yatie for sharing...

500 gm daging(di rebus empuk dan toskan)-(500g beef - boiled till cooked and drained)
1 sudu besar serbuk kunyit-(1 tbsp turmeric powder)
1 sudu kecil garam(utk gaul bersama daging)-(1 tsp salt mix with sliced beef)
7 biji bawang merah kecil, dihiris halus-(7 shallots sliced thinly)
3 biji bawang putih, dihiris halus-(3 garlics sliced thinly)
1 inci halia, di hiris halus-(1 inch ginger sliced thinly)
1 biji bawang besar, hiris bulat-(1 large onion cut in rings)
1 btng lada merah, dihiris serong-(1 red chilli cut slant)
4 btng lada hijau, dihiris serong-(4 green chillies cut slantly)
1 btng carrot-(1 carrot)
1 cwn kacang panjang/buncis, dipatah2kan 2 inci-(1 cup long beans/french beans cut to 2 inches length)
garam dan gula secukup rasa-(salt and sugar to taste)

1. Hiris daging nipis2, cuci,rebus dan toskan. Lumur dengan garam dan serbuk kunyit, perap sekurang2nya 20 minit.
2.Panaskan minyak di kuali. Goreng daging yg di lumur kunyit dan garam tadi. Goreng hingga daging sedikit garing.
3. Masukkan hirisan bawang merah kecik dan bawang putih, goreng hingga sekata.
4. Masukkan hirisan bawang besar, hirisan lada hijau dan merah. Gaul hingga sebati.Perasakan garam dan gula.
5. Masukkan carrot dan kacang panjang.Jika perlu, masukkan sedikit air.
6. Setelah siap angkat dan hidangkan. Taburkan daun sup dan daun bawang.
7. Siap dan boleh di makan bersama nasi putih panas.
-(sliced beef thinly, wash, boiled and drained. Mix salt and turmeric powder, and let stand for at least 20 minutes. Heat oil and fry marinated beef till slightly crisp. Add in slice shallots and garlics and stir well. Add in sliced large onion rings, green chillies and red chillies, stir well and add in salt and sugar to taste. Add in carrots and long beans, add water if necessary. Turn off heat and dish out, sprinkle saome cchinese celery and spring onions.)

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