Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Ikan Betawi

I gave this recipe a try, and it was a hit among my parents!!.. they love this...the laksa leaves really made the difference in this dish..adding to the bird eye chillies..sslurpp..

1 ekor ikan tilapia -disiang dan dikelar2 digaul dengan sedikit garam -(1 red tilapia, cleaned, slashed, marinate with some salt)
*1 labu bawang besar-(*1 large onion)
*2 batang serai-(*2 lemongrass)
*1 inci halia-(*1 inch ginger)
* 10 tangkai cili padi-(*10 bird eyes chillies)
10 batang daun kesum-dipetik2 dan basuh bersih)-(10 sprigs laksa leaves, take the leaves,wash)
garam dan serbuk perasa-(salt and msg to taste)
sedikit minyak untuk menumis-(some oil  for saute)
1 kotak santan serbuk-dibancuh dengan air -saya gunakan santan kotak aje-(1 small box powdered coconut milk mix with water- I just used the instant ones)
1 sudu besar susu tepung-saya terlupa nak letak ni-(1 tbsp milk powder- I forgot about this)
beberapa cili padi dicampak saja-saya tambah-(some bird eyes chillies for garnishing-I added)

Jerang periuk, masukkan minyak dan tumis *bahan2 kisar. Masukkan daun kesum, santan serbuk Mesti dikacau dengan 1 cawan air sejuk). Masukkan ikan, garam dan serbuk perasa. Apabila mendidih masukkan 1 sudu besar susu tepung. Masak sehingga ikan masak, diangkat dan dihidangkan dengan nasi putih.-(Heat oil and saute *blended ingreidients. Add in laksa leaves, powdered coconut milk( mix with 1 cup of water). Add in fish, salt and msg to taste. When boiled add in 1 tbsp milk powder. Let it boil till fish are cooked. Dish out and serve with white warm rice.)
Sources:-From Patimah PK Ibrahim@ resipi ceria keluarga


  1. salam kak ayu,
    sedapnya ikan talapia...bau daun kesum lagi. huhu. laparnya...kejap lagi nak gi pasar malam. :)

  2. walkslm, boleh masuk list nur, bayangkan rasa lemak cili api tapi letak daun kesum, ada kelainan nya..


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