Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sup Cendawan Daun Kunyit

 For those who cant take hot..and for those who like to sip the soup..repeat telecast but this time round I added fishballs and soft tofu..

1 packet oyster mushroom-(1 paket cendawan tiram)
*1 big onion sliced-(*1 biji bawang besar dihiris)
*1 garlic sliced-(* 1 biji bawang putih)
*1 red chili sliced-(*1 biji cili merah dihiris)
1 turmeric leaf sliced-(1 helai daun kunyit)
10 anchovies sliced(I use ikan bilis cube) -(10 ikan bilis- saya gunakan kiub ikan bilis)
water to estimate-(air secukupnya)
oil for frying-(minyak untuk menumis)
salt to taste-(garam secukup rasa)

fishballs-added myself-(bebola ikan-saya tambah)
soft tofu-(tauhu lembik-saya tambah)

Slice mushroom according to preference, washed and drained. Heat oil in saucepan and saute *sliced ingredients and turmeric leaf till fragrant  and add in water. Add in ikan bilis cube stir well.Let it boil and add in mushrooms and salt to taste. Ready-(Hiris cendawan ikut suka, basuh dan toskan. Panaskan minyak dan tumis bahan* hiris dan daun kunyit hingga naik bau dan masukkan air. Masukkan ikan bilis/kiub dan kacau . Biarkan mendidih dan masukkan cendawan, garam secukup rasa. Siap)

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