Monday, March 08, 2010

Orange Pound Cake

I was supposed to upload this last Friday, but cant sit in front of the computer for long, so I posted it today...feel like eating something orangy..I browsed for some orange pound cakes recipes and as usual after comparing here and there I decided on this..the actual recipe was doubled the amount here, this was after converting and I halved the amount...the reicpe comes with drizzle for the cake but I didnt make them as it was already NICE eating on its own...I used  my small bundt pan for this cake..notice the 'Orange' colour?.it was because I couldnt get orange essence(cause not sure halal or not) so I just drip some orange paste instead...dah ler terorange lah sangaaat....hehe

198g unsalted butter softened-(I used 200g butter)-(198g mentega tanpa garam- saya gunakan 200g)
395g sugar-(I used 190g fine sugar)-(395g gula -saya gunakan 190g gula halus)
4 eggs-(telur)
11/2 cups all purpose flour-(11/2 cawan tepung gandum)
1/2 tbsp baking powder-(1/2 sudu besar baking powder)
1/2 tsp salt-(1/2 sudu kecil garam)
1/4 +1/8 or (3/8) cups of orange juice(I used sunquick)-(1/4 + 1/8 atau (3/8) cawan jus oren-saya gunakan sunquick)
1 tsp orange zest-(1 sudu kecil kulit limau diparut)
1/2 tsp orange extract-(I used orange paste)-(1/2 sudu teh perasa oren- saya gunakan pes oren)

Pre heat oven to 350(175C) degrees. Butter and flour 10" tube pan- tap out excess flour. Combine flour, baking powder and salt in a small bowl and set aside.(I sieved these) In a large bowl of an electric mixer, beat butter until creamy. Gradually beat in sugar until fluffy. Scrape down the bowl. Add eggs one at a time. Beat in extract and rind. On medium speed, gradually beat in flour mixture alternating with orange juice. Beat 2 mins, scraping down occasionally, until thick and creamy. Pour into prepared pan. Bake at 350 for 35 mins. Lower heat to 300 and bake for an additional 45-50 minutes(I didnt proceed with this cause I use a smaller bundt pan) or until a toothpick inserted in the centre comes out clean. Cool in pan on wire rack for 15 minutes. Turn cake out onto rack and cool cmpletely.-(Panaskan oven 350(175C) dulu. Sapukan mentaga and taburkan tepung didalam loyang 10" tube-tepuk2 sedikit balance tepung tadi. Camurkan tepung, baking powder dan garam didalam mangku kecil and ketepikan.(saya ayak). Didalam mixer pukul mentega hingga berkrim. Masukkan gula sikit sikit dan pukul smapai kembang.Kaup tepi2 ketengah mangkuk. Masukkan telur satu2. Pukul lagi dan masukkan perasa oren dan parutan kulit limau. Menggunakan speed yang tengah, masukkan campuran tepung berselang seli dengan jus oren. Pukul selama 2 minit dan kaup tepi2 mangkuk sekali sekala sampai pekat dan berkrim. Tuangkan kedalam loyang dan bakar disuhu 350(175) selama 35 minit. Turunkan suhu ke 300(170) degrees dan bakar slagi selama 45-50 minit.(saya tak ikut ynag ini sebab kek saya sudah masak kerana menggunakan bundt pan yang kecil)  atau sehingga masak. Biarkan kek didalam loyang sejuk diatas cooling rack selama 15 minit baru terbalikkan dan biar ia sejuk seterusnya.)


  1. Slm Ayu... orange cake is one of my mom's faveret..senang jer..nak ambik hati dia, bake orange cake..

    I can imagine the citrusy smell of the orange when it's frsh from the oven..fantastic kan?


  2. Yat Maria - walkslm, oh ya ke?..senang lah macam tu..nak ambik hati ur mum..memang harum bau kek ni bila tengah masak tu..hehe


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