Monday, March 08, 2010

Ikan Singgang Terengganu

The gravy dish to go along with the Sambal Telur Rawa...the recipe was a combinations of Singgang Kelantan and Singgang Terengganu..hehe..sorry ya orang Kelantan and Terengganu..pandai2 kita mengadjust pulak ya..ok why I named it Singgang Terengganu then? Well it was because, most of the ingredients were from the Singgang Terengganu (except the ladies fingers) and the method was from Singgang Kelantan....confused?..oh never mind..hehe

5 ekor ikan aya/tongkol atau ikan kembung(saya gunakan  kepingan ikan tenggiri)-(5 tuna fishes or chubb mackerel- I used slices of spanish mackerel)
1/4 inci lengkuas-(1/4 inches galangal)
4 hiris kunyit hidup atau 1 sudu kecil kunyit serbuk-(4 slices of fresh turmeric roots or 1 tsp turmeric powder)
2 ulas bawang merah-(2 shallots)
1 ulas bawang putih-(1 garlic)
3 keping asam gelugor-(3 dried tamarind slice)
2 biji cili hidup dipatahkan-(2 red/green chillies cut halves)
garam  msg secukup rasa-(salt and msg to taste)
gula secukup rasa-(sugar to taste)
air secukupnya-(water to estimate)

4 bendi-saya tambah sendiri-(4 ladies fingers- I added myself)
sedikit cili padi-saya tambah sendiri-(some bird eyes chillies- I added myself)

Masukkan bawang putih, bawang merah, kunyit dan lengkuas dalam periuk bersama sedikit air sebagai kuah. Apabila kuah mendidih, masukkan ikan, asam, cili dan bendi. Masukkan garam dan serbuk perasa secukup rasa.-( Put water, onions, garlics, turmeric powder and galangal to boil as gravy. When boil add in fishes, tamarind slice, chillies and ladies fingers. Add salt and seasoning to taste.)

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