Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Two Ways Molten Chocolate Cake

This is the second time that I made molten cakes using this recipe. Rich chocolaty, sweet taste inside and outside for me....sources was from the internet... I used the metal rings for the 'apam mould' for this..made a few, nice to eat when its warm as the ganache will ooze out...also nice when its cold, as it turned into a soft, chocolate filling cakes...hehe

Ingredients for ganache:-
120g semisweet or bittersweet chocolate, 62% to 70%
28g butter
45g heavy cream
1/8 tsp salt

Ingredients for Cake:-
156g semisweet or bittersweet chocolate, 62% to 70%
84g butter
4 large eggs separated
1/4 tsp salt
3 tbsp sugar

Method For Ganache:-
To make ganache, combine chocolate, butter, cream and salt in a bowl and melt over a saucepan of simmering water on the stove. Stir occasionally to make sure it melts evenly.Put the filling into a container and place in the refrigerator for about an hour until it starts to set up. You can also place it in the freezer to speed up the process. When ganache is firm enough to scoop, use a spoon or cookie scoop to make 3/4" round balls. Place in a container and store in freezer to keep them firm while you make the cake.

Method For Cake:-
Preheat oven to 175C. Line a couple baking sheets with parchment paper. Take 21/2" diameter metal rings and butter and sugar the insides well. Arrange rings on the baking sheets. Place the chocolate and butter in a bowl and melt over a saucepan of simmering water on the stove, stirring occasionally. When chocolate and butter are fully melted and combined remove from heat and let cool until warm. Whisk egg yolks, salt and sugar together in a large bowl. Pour about a third of the melted chocolate into the egg yolks, whisking contantly to temper the eggs. Pour in the rest of the chocolate and whisk to combine.
In a stand mixer with the whisk attachment, whip the egg whites until medium peaks form - do not over whip. Carefully fold in about half of the egg whites into the chocolate batter to lighten it. Then fold in the rest of the egg whites, taking care not to deflate them too much.

Fill the rings a little less than halfway up with the batter. Place a ball of ganache in the center of the batter. Cover with more batter, filling the rings 3/4 full - the cakes will rise when baking like a souffle so dont fill them too high or they will spill over.

Bake cakes for 10-12 minutes. the cakes should be done - tester inserted in the side should comes out with a few crumbs, but the centers should have melted. You may want to test with one cake first to gauge how long the right baking time will be. Remove cakes and let cool on racks for a couple minutes. Use a wide metal spatula to move the cakes onto serving plates, then carefully remove the rings.


  1. slm Ayu...

    ni susah sket for me to make..sebab part do not overwhip tu kedang2 tak reti agak.. then heavy cream tak sama ngan whip cream kan? where to buy heavy cream eh?


  2. Salam Ayu...sodapnya.....bilalah nak gi rasa kat rumah ayu ni...hehehe lain pulak...bukannya nya buat sendiri...melampau betoi!

  3. Yat Maria - walkslm, alah asal yu whip dia dah macam foam gitu dah ler..heavy cream tu i pakai yg nestle punya kan ada dalam tin kecik aje..alah kalau nak pakai whip cream pun boleh..lebih kurang aje rasanya..

    watierman - walkslm, hahaha..that's a good one..


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