Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ubi Ungkep

Another unique menu that first time I came across..found in Cikgu Zana's blog again..heheh..so far I only came across boiled cassava dipped with sambal or sugar..but definitely not this one...According to Cikgu Zana this menu was her bentou to school during her schooling days...I asked my mum, have she came across this one..she also never heard of this before..

To me its nice and something different again..my dad makan bertambah....Thank you cikgu,.. I ransacked your kitchen and found this..hehe tapi dah kemas balik ya..

1 kg ubi- dipotong seperti nak merebus dan bersihkan-(1kg tapiaoca/cassava-cut and cleaned)
*4 sudu besr ketumbar-(*4 tbsp coriander powder)
*3 biji bawang merah-(*3 shallots)
*3 ulas bawang putih-(* 3 garlics)
*segenggam ikan bilis-lagi banayk lagi best-(*a handful anchovies-the more the better)
sedikit kunyit/serbuk-(a bit of turmeric powder/or fresh roots)
garam secukup rasa-(salt to taste)
sedikit minyak untuk menumis-(oil for saute)

Tumbuk bahan*. Tumis bahan* dalam kuali hingga berbau harum dan masukkan garam. Masukkan ubi dan gaul rata. Masukkan air hingga paras ubi/menutupi ubi. Tutup kuali dan biarkan sehingga empuk. Apabila air ubi hampir kering, buka tutup kuali dan kacau rata supaya tidak hangit. Kacau perlahan sehingga air ubi kering, tutup api.-(Ground ingredients*. Saute grounded ingredients* in a wok till fragrant and add in salt. Add in cassava and mix well. Add in water till the same level/covered the cassava, cover and let it boiled till cooked. When the water has almost dry uncover the lid and stir so as not to get burnt. Stir slowly till water has dried up and turn off heat.)
Sources:-From inspirasiku.blogspot.com


  1. pasti akan ku cuba... balik Muor ni nanti

  2. fuzidss - oh fuzidss orang MUOR ya..kampung my parents kat Muar juga..orang sekampung lah ya..hehe

  3. suka yang ni...mak selalu bt kat kg masa kecik2...

  4. fadillah - at least fadillah tau jugak masakn ni, akak tak tahu langsung tentang ni..hehe..malunya..
    jumpa recipe terus nak cuba..hehe


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