Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Stir Fry Chicken Masala

Another chicken recipe from love2cook... acar and this chicken masala.... with plain rice..no flavoured rice hehe...thank you love..I re post the recipe here again ya...

Marinate (A)-(Perap Bahan A)
1 whole chicken cut medium sizel - (1 ekor ayam potong sederhana)
3 tbsp blended paste of garlic, shallot and ginger-(3 sudu besar bawang putih kisar, halia dan bawang merah)
3 tbsp chili powder-(3 sudu besar serbuk lada)
1 tsp turmeric powder-(1 sudu kecil serbuk kunyit)
1/2 tsp fennel powder-(1/2 sudu kecil jintan manis)
1/2 tsp cumin powder-(1/2 sudu kecil jintan putih)
1/2 tsp coriander powder-(1/2 sudu kecil serbuk ketumbar)
1/2 tsp garam masal-(1/2 sudu kecil garam masala)
salt -(garam)

1/2 tsp cumin and fennel seeds-(1/2 sudu kecil jintan putih dan jinta manis)
1 cinnamon stick-(1 kayu manis)
3 pcs cardamon-(3 buah pelaga)
3 cloves-(bunga cengkih)
2 pcs star anise-(2 bunga lawang)
2 onions sliced-(2 bawang dihiris)
7 dried chillies -sliced into 2 inches length-(7 cili kering di potong 2 inci panjang)
1 sprig curry leaves-(1 helas daun kari)
1 large tomato sliced-(1 biji tomato dihiris)
1/2 tsp grounder black pepper-(1/2 sudu kecil lada hitam kisar)
2 tbsp kerisik/coconut paste(dry-fried and grinded grated coconut)-(2 sudu besar kerisik)
few coriander leaves-( daun ketumbar secukupnya)
salt to tase-(garam secukup rasa)
cooking oil-(minyak masak)

Marinate ingredients(A) for about 15-20 minutes. Heat oil in a wok, saute cumin and fennel seeds, cinnamon, cardamons, cloves and star anise till fragrant.Add in the sliced onions, dried chillies and curry leaves. Stir till light brown. Add tomatoes. Now add the marinated chicken stir together and cover for about 15 minutes till chicken cooks. (Make sure the flame is low). Once chicken is cooked, add grounded blackpepper and salt. Stir again and leave it for another 5-10 minutes. Now add the kerisik/coconut paste, mix well and turn off heat. Sprinkle some coriander leaves before serving.-(Perap bahan(A) selama15-20 minit. Panaskan minyak dan tumis biji jintan putih dan jintan manis, kayu manis, pelaga, bunga cengkih dan bunga lawang hingga naik bau. Masukkan bawang hiris, chili kering dan daun kari. Kacau hingga kekuningan. Masukkan tomato. Masukkan ayam yang sudah diperap gaul rata dan tutup periuk selam 15 minit hingga ayam masak. gunakan api yang kecil. Bila ayam sudah masak masukkan lada hitam yang dikisar dan juga garam. Kacau lagi dan biarkan hingga 5-10 minit. Masukkan kerisik dan gaul rata. Matikan api dan taburkan daun ketumbar sebelum dihidang)
Sources:-From love2cook-msia.blogspot.com

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