Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Apam Bakar Tapai

 The other day, I tried making tapai ubi(fermented tapioca), let it 'bertapa', for 3 days.. the steps were so easy to follow and was so confidence that I can make tapai ubi for the first time in my life, considering the  varieties of 'pantang'(rules) which you have to adhere...what was normally said in making the tapai...quietly I boiled 3/4 cooked 1kg of cassava/tapioca, dish out and drained...sprinkle layer by layer the 'ragi' on them, lastly sprinkle some sugar in it  and arranged them in a airtight container, before I wrapped with white cloth and hide them in my top kitchen cabinet above the fridge(normally people just forget about this compartment)...

So after 3 days, my hopes were very high..I openned the container and was very excited when the smell of 'tapai' came out from there..I tested one of them..sekali, the taste was so masam!!..aarggghhh..TAPAI AKU TAK JADI!!! dissappointed ..Mr Hubby just smiled at me and said...BELI SUDAH LAH!!!..hehe..I said I just wanted to try and make tapai, which if succeded, that will be in my guiness world record!!..In the end my 1kg of tapai ubi goes into Mr Bin...huwahah..the verdict was maybe the heat from the fridge causes the tapai, to be masam? bila buat tu muka aku tengah  masam?..wallahwalaam..

So after the good experience..I just bought tapai ubi and made this apam!!!.. It was something different compared to the normal apam as what Kak Wan said, this apam can only be found in Kelantan and Terengganu..the difference was of course, adding ginger, shallots and tapai ubi itself...boleh tahan sedap rasanya...Thank you Kak Wan..tak payah pergi Kelantan or Terengganu to rasa this apam..hehe..

300 gram tepung beras
125 gram gula pasir
1/4 sdt garam
2 sdt yis segera
1/2 sudu kecil serbuk lada hitam
1 ulas bawang merah(di mayang halus) -saya gunakan bawang kisar-sikit aje buat rasa
1/2 inci halia (dimayang halus) -saya gunakan halai kisar sikit aje buat rasa
250ml santan/susu segar
250ml air
4 ketul tapai ubikayu di lenyek halus -dalam 140g (saya blender)
Kelapa parut putih dan sedikit garam (dikukus dan gaul bersama)

Sebatikan semua bahan-bahan diatas, kacau hingga sebati. Rehatkan adunan 4 - 5 jam sehingga ia nampak berbuih dan ringan apabila dikacau. Kacau dengan perlahan-lahan
Panaskan non-stick pan, leser dgn sedikit majerin. Ambil satu senduk adunan dan bentukkan satu lempeng. Tutup kuali.
Biarkan atas adunan berbuih di permukaan dan keperangan di bahagian bawah baru di terbalikkan. Biarkan selama seminit baru diangkat.
Dihidang bersama kelapa parut. Guna non-stick pan yg paling kecil jdi shape sama semuanya


  1. Kesian ada kelakar pun ada bila baca entry Ayu pasal attempt buat tapai... Tu la, kalau buat tapai, kena sengihhhh je semanis madu, baru tapai jadi manis kot.. hehehe.. Mama ni lom sampai seru lagi nak try wat tapai sendiri..

  2. Mamafami - hehe..memang kesian kat kita!!..habis 1kg ubi terbuang gitu aje..tapi memang nak try buat lagi tapi nak test sikit dulu..
    betul tu kata mama, maybe kena tersenyum manis baru menjadi kot..haha..haha..macam kita ni agaknya tak ada kerja cari kerja..itu sebab nak cuba buat..hahaha.


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