Monday, April 05, 2010

Bingka Cempedak

Actually I was supposed to upload this on Thursday but after  I  uploaded those entries on Indian Nasi Lemak,and typing English to Malay ... my eyes already see stars twinkling in front of me..hehe....cant really stay on for long as I have  so much to do later today...Afternoon after Marsya is back will be accompanying my mum to her 'thyroid' appointmnet, so wont be able to visit you guys till in the evening or night ..meanwhile this is for today's post..

I used cempedak puree for this as I have about 300g  in my stock...the sugar amount below I didnt add as the puree was already sweet enough and already got sugar content in please adjust yourself ya..

300 g isi cempedak* - saya gunakan 300g cempedak puree-(300g cempedak seeded* - I used cempedak puree)
650 ml santan* (dr 1/2 biji kelapa) - (650ml coconut milk*)
2 biji telur* -(2 eggs*)
240 g tepung gandum -(240g plain flour)
150 g gula pasi -boleh kurangkan,jika cempedak manis, saya tak letak ni sebab saya gunakan  cempedak puree yang sudah mengandungi gula-(150g sugar-can reduce if cempedak already sweet, I didnt add this as I used  cempedak puree which has already sugar content)
1/2 sk garam -(1/2 tsp salt)
80 g mentega cair -(80b butter)
1/2 sk pewarna oren/kuning -(1/2 tsp yellow colouring)

Tepung,gula dan garam di masukkan ke dalam sebuah mangkuk dan gaul rata.
Kisar halus santan,cempedak dan telur dan tuangkan ke dalam mangkuk tepung tadi dan gaul sebati.
Tuang mentega cair dan pewarna dan digaul lagi hingga sebati dan tepung tk bergentel2.
Tuang adunan ke dalam loyang yg digris (alas alum. dan gris jika bimbang kuih melekat pd dasar loyang).
Bakar hingga masak dan garing permukaan bingka selama 45 min hingga 1 jam. pd suhu 170C(Saya bakar selama 1jam 30 minit). Sejukkan bingka dan bolehlah dipotong dan disajikan.-(Mix flour, sugar and salt in a bowl. Blend cemepdak, coocnut milk and eggs and add to flour mixture, stir till incorporated. Add in melted buter and colouring and mix well so that it wont cuddle. Pour mixture  into tray which has been greased/oiled. Bake till cooked or crispy on the surface for 45 minutes or 1 hour at 175C(I baked for 1hr 30 minutes for mine). Let cool and cut.)


  1. Salam Ayu...Akak tak makan cempedak..but the KERAK sure sungguh menggoda!!!

  2. Cantik bingka cempedak Ayu ni...

  3. salam kak ayu,
    pandai kak ayu buat. cantik jer bingka cempedak ni. betullah...nak kerak tu jugak kak.. hihihi

  4. hazila - same2 me too..haha

    watierman -walkslm, oh akak tak makan cempedak?..aduh, cempedak sedap tau kak..

    Mamafami - haha..ya ke Ma, thank you ..hehe malu ni..

    indahhouse - walkslm, thank nur, nak kerak tak boleh akak dah chop dulu ..haha..


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