Thursday, April 01, 2010

Indian Nasi Lemak

 Ok so this completes our menu today...Indian Nasi Lemak.. which is popular among South Indian Muslims should be served with Chicken Curry, Cucumber Salad and Crispy Long beans. I just made the Crispy Long Beans, Sambal Anchovies and Mysore Fried Chicken to go along with this...

600g basmati rice-wash thoroughly and drain-(600g beras basmati- dibasuh dan toskan)
2 tsp fenugreek-(2 sudu kecil halba)
4 tbsp ghee-(4 sudu besar minyak sapi)
1/2 onion-sliced thinly-(1/2 biji bawaqng bear-dihiris nipis)
1 stick cinnamon-4cm(11/2inch) long-( 1 kayu manis 4cm panjang
2 cardamons- 2 biji pelaga
3 cloves-(3 bunga cengkih)
2 screwpine leaves-tie a knot -(2 daun pandan-disimpul)
450g grated coconut-add 3 cups water and extract 31/2 cups coconut milk-(450g kelapa parut- campurkan 3 cawan air dan perah 31/2 cawan santan)
salt to taste-(garam secukupnya)

Heat ghee in a large pot for cooking rice. Add onion, cinnamon, cardamons, cloves and pandan leaves. Fry till onions are brown, then add coconut milk, rice and salt, stir. Cover pot and bring to boil; when boiling, stir rice. When rice is beginning to dry, lower heat and continue to cook. Keep the pot covered till the steam escapes, then uncover, turn rice over with a fork and cook for another 5-8 minutes.-(Panaskan minyak sapi, didalam periuk nasi. Masukkan bawang, kayu manis, pelaga , bunga cengkih dan daun pandan. Tumis hingga bawang garing, masukkan santan, beras dan garam, kacau. tutup periuk dan biarkan mendidih. Bila mendidih, kacau beras. Bila beras sudah nak kering, pelahan kan api dan biarkan hingga masak. Biarkan tutup hingga wap hilang, baru dibuka tutupnya, Gaul nasi dengan garpu dan masak selanjutnya selama 5-8 minit.)
Sources:- From Zarina Easy cooking


  1. 1st time ni dgr Indian Nasi Lemak kak...bertambah lg knowledge bout food! tq sis

  2. E-na - hehe..dulu pernah makan nasi leamk india ni, sebab org india yg masak..tu yg cuba buat ni E-na..ur welcome sis..


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