Friday, April 09, 2010

Bokhara - Beef Baked Beans

Salam on this Friday morning, quite busy as that was the reason for not updating will be busier as I will be preparing something for tomorrow..huhu what is it?..I will update about it tomorrow lah ya..hehe.Meanwhile I posted this first for today, actually the menu was already long was last Sunday's breakfast..hehe. Ever made this before, but the last time I used minced beef, not so 'kick' I should say, this time round with sliced beef, ermm baru lah terasa, bokhara ni!!!..and not forgetting the eggs jemput tengok ajelah ..hehe

1/2 kg daging kambing-dipotong kecil, cuci & toskan - saya gunakan daging lembu cincang -(1/2kg mutton- cut to small, wash and drained-I used minced beef meat)
2 tin besar baked beans in tomato sauce-saya gunakan 1 tin aje-(2 baked beans large size-I used just 1 can)
*10 tangkai cili kering-lebihkan jika suka pedas-(*10 dried chillies increase if prefer hot)
*1 biji bawang besar-(*1 large onion)
*4 ulas bawang putih-(*4 garlics)
*1/2 jari halia-(*1/2 thumb size ginger)
(*bahan2 kisar)-(*blended ingredients)

minyak sapi secukupnya-(ghee oil)
beberapa keping telur mata lembu-(a few fried eggs)
roti putih atau roti perancis-(white bread or french loaves)
garam dan gula secukupnya-(salt and sugar to taste)

Didalam kuali, panaskan 3 sudu besar minyak sapi dan goreng daging hingga empuk. Angkat dan ketepikan. Panaskan lagi secukup minyak sapi dan tumis bahan yang dikisar hingga garing. Masukkan daging goreng tadi dan gaulkan rata. Masukkan baked beans dengan sosnya sekali dan tambahkan garam dan gula secukup rasa. Kacau supaya sebati dan masak lagi 10-15 minit diatas api yang kecil. Kacau sekali 2 supaya dasarnya tak hangit. Hidangkan Bokhara dengan telur mata lembu dan sedap dimakan dengan roti. Bagi yang tidak sesuai dengan minya sapi dan daging kambing, boleh gantikan dengan minyak masak dan daging lembu. -(In a wok, heat 3 tbsp of ghee oil and fry meat till cooked. Dish out and put aside. Heat ghee oil to estimate and saute blended ingredients till oil rises up the surface. Add in fried meat and mix well. Add in baked beans with the sauce and add salt and sugar to taste. Mix well till incorporated for the next 10-15 minutes using a low heat.Stir a little more so that the base not burnt. Serve bokhara with fried eggs and nice to eat with bread. For those who dont prefer ghee oil, can use normal vegetable oil and if dont prefer mutton, can replace to beef.)
Sources- From kak


  1. nyum...nyum...cicah roti pun sodap..ratah jer pun okay!!!

    nasi..tak mau..dah gemuk!!

  2. salam..wah nampak mengiuurrkan... tumpang cicah skit nihh

  3. izah daut -walkslm, boleh, cicah kat screen monitor izah tu ke?..kiki


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