Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Kuih Serimuka Pisang

Made this yesterday night, steamed it while I was with the kids..this morning then I cut usual Mr Hubby brought to his office and this was what he texted me(sorry I hope jangan ada yang menyampah pulak ya..)..'By anonymous feedback of Melayu, Cina and Indian, the kuih is excellent! Not too sweet, filling and mouth watering.!", my lubang hidung kembang sekejap..hehe..

Well you see it is very hard to get compliments from Mr Hubby..when he didnt like it, he will 'tekan' habis habisan when he said like that bukan main happy ler ..of course it all comes down to the recipe itself lah.. Thank you Kak Wan!!!!!!!...thank you for this nice recipe, I didnt adjust anything even the sugar amount I follow exactly.. ..only my bananas tak cukup 180g it was just 120g..apa2 pun, it has met our expectations!!.. mum dah makan a few rounds tau..hehe

Bahan Lapisan Bawah:- Ingredients for below layer:-
180gm pisang dihiris-(180g sliced bananas)
300gm pulut direndam semalaman-(300g glutinous rice soaked overnight)
100ml santan pekat KARA-(100ml thick coconut milk-KARA)
100ml air-(100ml water)
1 1/2 sudu teh garam-(11/2 tsp salt)
5 helai daun pandan-( 5 screwpine leaves)

Bahan Lapisan Atas:- Ingredients for top layer:-

60gm tepung beras-(60g rice flour)
110 gm tepung jagung-(110g corn flour)
1/4 sudu teh garam-(1/4 tsp salt)
200ml santan pekat KARA-(200ml thick coconut milk-KARA)
200ml air-(200ml water)
80ml air daun pandan-(80ml screwpine leaves water)
Sirap gula (180gm gula dimasak dengan 300ml air)-(sugar syrup- 180g sugar cooked in 300ml water)
1 biji telur-(1 egg)
pewarna hijau-( green colouring)

Lapisan Bawah : Below layer
Toskan pulut yang telah direndam dan masukkan ke dalam loyang bersama santan, air, garam dan daun pandan. Kukus selama 25 minit.
Angkat pulut dan masukkan ke dalam loyang 8" yang telah dialas dengan plastik atau daun pisang dan gaulkan dengan pisang yang telah dihiris. Tekan pulut dengan padat ke dasar loyang.
Ketepikan.-(Drained glutinuos rice and mix, coconut milk, water, salt and screwpine leaves and steam for 25 minutes. Dish out glutinuos rice and add into an 8" tray which has been layered by plasctic or banana leaves. Mix the rice and sliced bananas. Press intactly to the base of tray. Put aside.)

Lapisan Atas : Top Layer
Satukan bahan lapisan atas dan tapis. Kemudian tuangkan keatas lapisan bawah kemudian kukus semula selama 40 minit atau sehingga masak. (utk pastikan lapisan atas masak adunan nampak kental dan tidak melekit dijari) jika melekit kukus beberapa minit lagi.-(Combine top layer ingredients and strained. Pour onto the below layer of  intact glutinuos rice and steam for 40 minutes or till cook. -to make sure the top layer is already cooked, the mixture looks solid and not sticky to the fingers. if still sticky, steam further for a few more minutes.)


  1. salam ayu.. amboii mengancamnyeee kuih ni... minta sepiring.. akak nak kopi n pasta laa resepi..

  2. walkslm, silakn kak, nak sepiring? alahai dah habis lah kak, kalau sedap cepat habis, kalau tak lama ler duduk kat atas meja tu..hehe


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