Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Pucuk Ubi Goreng Suun

My favourite kampung vegetables- cassava leaves..something different I can say..but nice.

1 cekak pucuk ubi- dicelur dan dipotong kecil-(1 bunch cassava leaves- boiled till soft and slice)
2 ikan suun-direndam-(2 small bundle bean thread vermicelli-soaked)
1 bungkus tauhu kering-direndam dan dipotong kecil-(1 packet dried beancurd skin soaked and cut to small)
2 batang lada merah dihirs-(2 red chillies sliced)
1 biji tomato dihiris nipis -(1 tomato sliced)
2 sudu besar minyak untuk menumis-(2 tbsp oil for frying)
garam & serbuk perasa secukupnya-(salt and msg to taste)

Bahan2 tumbuk-Ground ingredients:-
100g udang kering-direndam dahulu-(100g dried shrimp soaked)
7 ulas bawang merah -(7 shallots)
4 batang lada padi merah-saya lebihkan-(4 bird eyes chillies- I used more)

Tumis bahan2 yang telah ditumbuk.Setelah agak sedikit garing masukkan pucuk ubi, suun, tauhu kering dan hirisan lada merah, gaul rata.Akhir sekali masukkan hirisan tomato.-(Saute grounded ingredients till oil rises up the surface. Stir in salt and msg to taste. Add in cassava leaves, bean thread vermicelli,  dried beancurd skin and sliced red chillies stir well.Lastly add in sliced tomatoes)
Sources:-From Zakiah Samsu@ Masak Apa?


  1. kak gerau tak pernah pulak masak macam heh?

  2. best jugak kak gerau, kita pun first time jumpa recipe ni..kalau pedas lagi best kena dgn udang keringnya tu..


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