Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Laksa Goreng Kerang Basah

Yesterday afternoon Mr Hubby sms-ed me that his friend and his wife are coming over to our house after Maghrib to invite us to their son's wedding dinner..I answered him back what to serve them when they come..Mr Hubby's answers was 'ah..pandai2 youlah' tension, what to cook,.. already afternoon pasar definitely closed..wanted to to go NTUC, lazy to walk adding to hot I just scrambled what ever available in the fridge and this was what I came out with...

Ever made this before, but this time round I adjusted to my taste, steps and from our guest that this was the first time they ate laksa goreng and its nice..hehe..malu sekejap..Mr Hubby who was also eating with them bertambah2 although now he is on diet(no dinner after 8)..hahaha...or is it Mr Hubby kebulur?...

500g laksa mee(boiled)-(500g mee laksa-dicelur)
100g cockles(boiled and take the meat)-(100g isi kerang yg dah direbus)
10 medium size prawns-(10 ekor udang sederhana besar)
2 fishcakes sliced-(2 kek ikan dihiris nipis)
2 big onions sliced-(2 bawang besar dihiris)
2 green chillies sliced -(2 batang cili hijau dihiris)
1 tbsp minced garlics-(1 sudu besar bawang putih kisar)
5 tbsp chilli paste-can adjust to spiciness-(5 sudu besar cili kisar-boleh adjust ikut kepedasan)
10 sprigs  laksa leaves sliced thinly-(10 batang daun kesum ambil daunnya dan hiris nipis)
2 eggs -(2 biji telur)
bean sprout-(taugeh)
1 cup water-(1 cawan air)
salt and msg to taste-(garam dan serbuk perasa)

Heat oil and saute minced ingredients till fragrant and oil comes up to the surface.Add sliced onions, chillies and stir well till onions are soft .Add  in fishcakes, boiled cockles and  prawns. Let it for a while.. Add in 1 cup water and let it boil then add in eggs, 3/4 of the sliced laksa leaves, salt and  msg . Add in laksa noodles and stir well for the  next 2-3 minutes. Add in the bean sprout and the balance laksa leaves, Stir and turn off heat.Ready to serve.-(Panaskan minyak, dan tumis bahan kisar hingga garing. Masukkan bawang hiris, dan cili hiris, kacau rata dan biarkan hingga bawnag lembut. Masukkan kek ikan, isi kerang rebus dan udang. Biarkan seketika dan masukkan 1 cawan air. Bila sudah mendidih, masukkan telur, 3/4 dari hirisan daun kesum, garam dan serbuk perasa. Kacau dan masukkan mee laksa dan kacau hingga sebati selama 2-3 minit. Masukkan taugeh dan lebihan daun kesum tadi dan kacau lagi. Matikan api dan siap untuk dihidang.)


  1. Yummy....Akak pernah makan laksa goreng satu ketika dulu masa masih bekerja....bagus juga recipe bidan terjun ni is handy...surely will come to a rescue! Ada lebih tak??

  2. watierman - haha..semalam jugak dah mukhlisin kak..haha..nasib baik ada stok mee laksa ni..bantai aje ler..haha


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