Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Sup Ayam Sempoi

Quite sometimes didnt cooked Chicken soup.. made this for the kids, also for Mr Hubby who now prefers soupy dish compared then last time...maybe age got to do with this?..hehe...recipe  from the famous CMG, thank you Che Mat, but I adjusted what available cause I dont have 'sup bunjut' stock at home, lazy to go out usual bird eyes chillies must be in, as that reserved for you sip in you crunched in the chillies..ooh!..

600 g ayam, potong sederhana besar, cuci dan toskan-(saya gunakan 1 ekor ayam size kecil)-(600g medium size chicken, washed and drained- I used 1 small whole  chicken)
3 biji kentang (besar), kupas, dan potong 8 setiap biji-(3 potatoes, peeled and cut to 8 pieces each)
1 sup bunjut "ADABI"-(saya tak gunakan ini, saya gunakan 2 sudu besar rempah sup dijadikan pes)-(1 sup bunjut 'ADABI', I didnt used this, I used 2 tbsp soup powder, make paste)
1 kiub ayam "MAGGI"-(1 chicken cube)
2 liter air (atau secukupnya)-(2 litre water or to estimate)
Garam secukup rasa-(salt to taste)
Hirisan daun sup/daun bawang*-(spring onions, celery to slice*)
Bawang goreng*(*untuk hiasan)-(fried shallots*)-(*for garnishing)

Bahan Kisar :-(blended ingredients)
7 biji bawang merah-(7 shallots)
4 ulas bawang putih-(4 garlics)
1 1/2 camca teh lada hitam biji -(saya gunakan serbuk lada hitam aje)-(11/2 tsp black pepper seeds- I used black pepper powder)
2 inci halia-(2 inches ginger)
1/2 cm kunyit hidup-(1/2cm fresh turmeric roots)
3 biji buah keras-(3 candlenuts)

lobak merah-saya tambah-(carrots I added)
chili padi -saya tambah campakkan aje (bird eyes chillies I added)

Bahan Tumis :-(Saute ingredients)
1 batang kayu manis-(1 cinnamon)
1 kuntum bunga lawang-(1 star anise)
3 biji buah pelaga-(saya letak 2 aje)-(3 cardamons I added 2 only)
5 kuntum bunga cengkih-(saya letak 2 aje)-( 5 cloves-I added 2 only)

Panaskan minyak dalam periuk, masukkan bahan tumis dan tumis hingga wangi. Masukkan bahan kisar(sup rempah untuk saya) dan masak hingga terbit minyak.
Masukkan ayam dan gaul rata. Tuang air dan masukkan sup bunjut(tak letak ni), kiub ayam dan juga kentang. Masak dengan api sederhana hingga mendidih. Masukkan garam dan masak hingga kentang/carrot empuk dan ayam masak.
Rasa garam dan jika kurang tambah secukup rasa. Taburkan hirisan daun sup/daun bawang dan bawang goreng sebelum dihidang bersama nasi, nasi impit atau pun mee hoon/mee kuning..-(Heat oil in a pan, add in saute ingredients till fragrant. Add in blended ingredients and (soup powder for me) till  oil rises up. Add in chicken and stir well. Pour in water and add in sup bunjut(didnt add this), chicken cube and potatoes/carrots. Using medium heat and let it boil till potatoes are soft. Add in salt and taste what needed. Sprinkle some sliced celery, spring onions and fried shallots before serving with rice, lontong, yellow noodles or mee hoon.)

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