Monday, April 26, 2010

Pasta Pizza

 2 hours before Iqram comes back from school just now, I was still dreaming what to cook for the kids...
thought of something simple and I can whipped up the simplest, easy and delicious meal for them...browse the net again as usual, and I found this recipe..which I thought was quick and I think by the time the kids are back it would be just nice for them to eat....

Viola, the pizza was baked on time, and the kids love them very much!!...The unique part about this pizza was it uses the macaroni as the base.!!..instead of the flour..the parmesan cheese, milk and the eggs help to 'hold' the macacroni together and easier to handle when cut...

Opps I just remembered that the recipe, can also be seen at  Ayu- mom@work  another friend blogger of mine...which she did it for her kids...

150g  corkscrew pasta- (I used 350g spiral macaroni-which has been boiled)-(150g macaroni-saya gunakan 350g macaroni yang dah direbus)
1 egg beaten-(I used 2 eggs)-(1 biji telur- saya gunakan 2 biji)
1/4 cup fresh milk-(I used 1/2 cup)-(1/4 cawan susu- saya gunakan 1/2 cawan susu)
2 tbsp parmesan cheese-(I used 3 tbsp)-(2 sudu besar parmesan cheese- saya gunakan 3 sudu besar)
240g minced beef-(240g daging kisar)
1 large onion diced-(1 biji bawang besar)
1 tsp minced garlics-(1 sudu kecil bawang putih kisar)
1 can italian style stewed tomatoes(411g)-(I used HUNT'S diced tomatoes)-(1 tin tomato stew- saya gunakan HUNT'S toamto yang dah dipotong dadu)
4 tbsp tomato sauce-(I added myself)-(4 sudu besar tomato sos-saya tambah sendiri)
1 tsp black pepper powder-(I added myself)-(1 sudu kecil serbuk lada hitam saya tambah sendiri)
1 cube beef stock-(I added myself)-(1 kiub stok lembu-saya tambah sendiri)
1 cup green or yellow bell pepper cut into 2 inch strips-(1 cawan hirisan lada benggala hijau dan kuning)
1 small can button mushrooms sliced-(1 tin kecil cendawan butang dihiris)
1 tsp dried Italian seasoning-(1 sudu kecil perencah  italian-saya gunakan daun2 kering italy)
1/4 tsp crushed red pepper-(1/4 sudu kecil lada merah benggala kering)
1 cup shredded mozarella cheese-(1 cawan cheese mozarella)

Cook pasta according to package directions, preferebly al dente(firm to the bite). Drain, rinse with cold water and drain again. For pasta crust, in a large mixing bowl combine eggs, milk and parmesan cheese. Stir in pasta. Spread pasta mixture evenly onto a greased 12 inch pizza pan. Bake in a 175C oven for 20 minutes.
Meanwhile, in a large skillet, cook ground beef, onion and garlic until meat is brown. Drain fat. Add undrained tomatoes(breaking up large pieces of tomatoes), pepper strips and italian seasoning, (beef stock, tomato sauce, black pepper) to meat mixture. Bring to boiling, reduce heat simmer, uncovered for 10-12 minutes or until pepper strips are crisp-tendered and moist of the liquid is evaporated., stirring occasionally. Stir in mushrooms and crushed red pepper. Spoon meat mixture over pasta crust. Sprinkle with mozarella cheese. Bake for 10-12 minutes or more till heat through and cheese is melted.  To serve cut into wedges.- . (Masak macaroni mengikut aturan dibelakang bekas.Buang airnya, bilas dengan air sejuk dan toskan. Untuk buat lapisan pasta, campurkan telur, susu dan parmesan cheese didalam mangkuk besar. Kacau rata. Tuangkan adunan pasta tadi keatas loyang 12" yang telah disapu dengan mentega, dan ratakan.Bakar selama 20 minit dengan 175C.
Sementara itu, keringkan daging kisar, bawang dan bawang putih diatas kuali hingga kering.  Masukkan tomato dalam tin, hirisan lada benggala,  perencah italy(daun2 kering italy), ( kiub lembu, tomato sos dan serbuk lada hitam) dan gaul rata dengan daging tadi. Biarkan mendidih, kecilkan api buka tutup selama 10 -12 minit atau sehingga lada benggala layu. Kacau sekali2, Masukkan cendawan butang dan lada  merah kering. Sendukkan adunan daging  keatas lapisan macaroni bakar tadi. Taburkan mozarella cheese dan bakar selama 10-12 minit atau sehingga cheese cair atau kekuningan. Siap untuk dihidang, potong macam piza.)


  1. salam kak ayu,
    betul2 nampak cam pizza la kak! cantik... aish, sedap ni,..nak sekeping ya kak.. :)

  2. anything yang makaroni-based adalah nyummm!

  3. indahhouse - walkslm, memang pizza nur, tapi diperbuat dari pasta..dah habis semalam juga sekali hadap budak2 makan hehe..

    kog - same2..jangan cakap budak2, me yg dah tua ni pun suka..hehe

  4. HM......sepertinya makanannya enak tuch,,blum pernah nyoba soalnya


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