Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Acar Ikan Bawal

Our menu yesterday..as usual kids dont eat this, that was why I made the pasta pizza...for the acar, I didnt mix them together, cause I wouldnt want the fishes to turn  soggy when cool, just put the acar in another plate, when  serving then add the acar on top...

500g ikan bawal-(500g black pomfret)
minyak untuk menggoreng ikan-(oil for frying)

Bahan kisar:- Blended ingredients:-
10g lada kering-(10g dried chillies)
3/4 sudu besar ketumbar-(3/4 tbsp coriander powder)
1/4 sudu kecil jintan putih -(1/4 tsp cumin powder)
1 cm halia -(1cm ginger)
10g bawang putih-(10g garlics)
100g bawang besar-(100g large onion)

Bahan tumis:- Saute ingredients:-
1/4 sudu kecil biji sawi-(1/4 tsp mustard seeds)
1/2 sudu kecil halba-(1/2 tsp fenugreek)
21/2 sudu kecil gula-(21/2 tsp sugar)
1 sudu kecil garam-(1 tsp salt)
2 sudu besar cuka-(2 tbsp vinegar)
120g air-(120g water)
10g kismis -saya tak letak ni - (10g raisins-I didnt add this)

80g lobak merah-(80g carrots)
80g timun-(80g cucumber)
(potong kecil memanjang-cut small lenghtwise)

2 biji lada merah-(2 red chillies)
2 lada hijau-(2 green chillies)
80g bawang merah-(80g shallots)
(dibelah dua-cut to halves)
100g minyak untuk menumis-(oil for saute)

Panaskan minyak dan goreng ikan hingga kuning, kemudian ketepikan. Kemudian panaskan 100g minyak,(boleh gunakan minyak yang sama cuma kurangkan kalau banyak) tumiskan bahan2 kisar, masukkan biji sawi dan halba, tumis hingga garing dan wangi baunya. Tuangkan air, masukkan cuka, garam dan gula. Bila mendidih masukkan ikan, bawang kecil, lada hijau, lada merah, kismis, lobak merah dan timun. Kacau rata dan angkat.-(Heat oil and fry fishes till golden yellow, dish out and put aside. Heat up 100g oil (you can use the same oil but lessen it if too much) and saute blended ingredients, mustard seeds, fenugreek till fragrant. Add in water, vinegar, salt and sugar. When boiling, add in fishes, shallots, green chillies, red chillies, raisins, carrots and cucumber. Stir well and dish out.)
Sources:-From Jumi Maslam@resipi ceria keluarga

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