Friday, April 30, 2010

Rich Marble Chocolate Cake Sheila Mambo

Made this on Wednesday,  a day later (yesterday), finished!..quite rare jugak cake finished within a day ni ..ya lah, Mr Hubby brought to office aje dah half of the cake..then the kids, kejap kejap makan for parents pulak, if the kuih or cake that is not too sweet they will eat more so, that was why lah quite laris jugak this cake..hehehe...lucky thing I doubled the ingredients, ( used the whole butter)..
it tasted very rich in chocolatey, adding to moist and soft textured....

Saw this recipe in Kak Zai' kitchen, terus berkenan nak buat...I also did the same as Kak Zai, didnt add the topping cause its already nice eaten on its own...Recipe was taken  from Kacip, and earlier from the owner itself the famous actress Sheila Mambo kan? Correct me if I am wrong ya...sebab not too sure about Malaysia's artist ni.....Thank you all for sharing, I posted here for my future reference ya..ayu doubled the ingredients from original recipe which is half from below. I baked at 150c.

 Ingredients:-(ayu used 9" tray)
250gdark coklat, dicincang dan cairkan-(250g dark chocolate melted)
250g mentega -( 250g butter)
250g gula kastor-saya gunakan 100g-(250g castor sugar-I used 150g )
4 biji telur, dipukul ringan-(4 eggs lightly beaten)
310g  tepung naik sendiri- (310g self raising flour)-((Ayu used 270g)
160 ml susu cair-saya gunakan susu segar-( 160 ml  evaporated milk- I used fresh milk)
1 sudu teh esen vanilla-( 1 tsp vanilla essence)

Panaskan oven terlebih dahulu. Pukul mentega dan gula sehingga kembang. Masukkan telur sedikit demi sedikit dan esen vanila. Pukul lagi. Tuang susu dan selang seli dengan tepung. Gaul adunan sehingga sebati. Bahagikan adunan kepada 2 bahagian(bahagian coklat batter Ayu kurangkan anggaran 100-200g + 1 tbsp air). Satu bahagian dimasukkan dark coklat yang telah dicairkan. Manakala satu bahagian dibiakan kosong. Griskan loyang. tuang adunan plain diikuti adunan coklat. Lakukan sehingga habis kesemua adunan. Lorekkan dengan garfu atau toothpick untuk menampakkan corak.(saya gunakan chopstick).
Bakar pada suhu 170C selama 45 minit atau sehingga masak.(Ayu baked using api bawah 
Kemudian adjust api atas bawah sekejap then kembali api bawah)Sejukkan dan boleh lah dihidangkan dengan topping.-(Preheat oven, Beat butter and sugar till creamy. Add in egg one by one and vanilla 
essence. Continue beating. Add milk altenately with flour. Mix mixture till incorporated. Divide to 2 portions. One portion with the melted dark chocolate and the other just plain. Scoop plain batter first the the chocolate onto a grease tray till finish. Marble cake using fork or toothpick-( I used chopstick).  Bake at 170C for 45 minutes or till cooked. Let cool and can be serve with toppings.)

Note-Saya cairkan coklat gunakan kaedah mikrowave, sebab tu cepat. Ikut resepi asal ada toppingnya tapi saya tak minat nak bubuh sebab kek ini dengan sendirinya dah cukup sedap. Selamat mencuba.-(I used the microwave to melt the chocolate as it is faster. Original recipe there is topping, but I didnt add casue the cake itself is already very nice on its own.)


  1. Salam kak Ayu..
    wah lawa seh uma baru akak ni..
    i lioke it;)..
    kek pon sedap..dtg mkn kek ni ye kak..

  2. mummyseri - walsklm, hehehe..thank u seri!..silakan masuk seri buat macam rumah sendiri ya..hehe..kek dah lama tersadai dah tu..hati2 ya makan tu..wakaka..

  3. assalamualaykum
    salam kenal ya Ayu. aku barusan coba cake ini. Dan rasanya wow...enak sekali. chocolatenya benar-benar terasa sekali. makasih tuk sharing resepnya ya...

  4. Rina - walkslm, salam kenal juga buat Rina ya..thank you sudi kelaman akak
    yang tidak seberapa ni .. oh Rina sudah cuba buat kek marble chocolate sheila mambo ni ya..sedap kan..memang terasa kecoklatannya dalam kek ni akak pun suka denagn rasanya..thank you sudi mencuba dan tinggalkan comment disini...:)


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