Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Jemput Jemput Sukun

 Salam and hello there!..Good morning!..its been quite a while since I last updated my blog...I guessed most of you have already 'full'(kenyang) by eating the marble cake for the past 4 days..hehe.sorry ya cause I cant be online as I have been busy 'shouting', 'screaming' and 'banging the table' lol....with the kids..Iqram to be specific..Next Monday his mid year exams start, so this week, I have been drilling, drilling and drilling him with his subjects...gave him papers and time his work...

Hasif started his exam papers today...hope he can do the papers well.. Insyaallah mudah2han..
Anyway, this was last week, menu..jemput2 sukun(breadfruit balls) ..bought the sukun, thought making breadfruit fritters, but when I cut the fruit it was soooo soft(over ripe) and some part are rotten, I remembered saw this recipe about jemput jemput sukun in, so I browsed and my breadfrutis are now saved from going into Mr Bin....sedap jugak rasanya..lemak- lemak manis next time if you have buah sukun yang too soft and cant be fried, just make this jemput jemput for a change..

1/2 biji buah sukun masak-(1/2 very over ripe breadfruit)
2 sudu makan penuh tepung gandum-(2 tbsp plain flour)
2 sudu makan (paras) gula-saya gunakan 1 sudu aje-(2 level tbsp sugar-I just used 1 tbsp)

Isi sukun yang telah diasingkan dari kulit dan empulurnya dilenyek. Gaul sukun, tepung dan gula hingga rata. Jemput dengan jari atau sudu dalam minyak panas. Goreng diatas api sederhana sehingga kekuningan atau sedikit perang. -(Discard skins and mashed soft breadfruit. Mix mashed breadfrutis, flour and sugar till incorporated. Scoop or using your fingers take some mixture and deep fried in hot oil. Using a medium heat, fry till golden yellow or light brown.)
Sources:- From


  1. assalamualaikum kak ayu..oo bleh wat jemput ek..kalau tau dolu saya buat sukun jemput.bawak dari kampung bila nak goreng tengok dah lembik, masuk tongsam je..alah sayang..

  2. izahdaut - walkslm, izah, aah k ayu pun baru tahu, selama ni memang buang aje kalau dah lembik dah tahu next time boleh lah buat..hehe..jangan membazir..hahaha


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