Thursday, April 01, 2010

Sambal Ikan Bilis - Anchovies in Spicy Gravy

Another side dish for today's menu..recipe from love2cook..I like!..Thank you love, if were to follow your recipes, sure jadi punya..this sambal really suits with my taste!..

1 cup of cleaned anchovies-(1 cawan ikan bilis yand sudah dibersihkan)
*10 dried chillies-soaked in hot water first, drained-(*10 cili kering-direndam dalam air panas dan toskan)
*5 shallots-(*5 bawang merah)
*3 garlics-(*3 bawang putih)
* 1cm shrimp paste-(*1cm belacan)
1 large onion sliced into rings-(1 bawang besar dihiris bulat)
1 stalk of lemon grass- slightly crushed(optional)l)-(1 batang serai-dititik-optiona)
2 tbsp tamarind juice(adjust to taste)-(2 sudu besar jus asam jawa)
sufficient amount of water-add more if prefer the gravy a bit watery-(air secukupnya-tambah kalau nak cair)
salt and sugar to taste-(garam and gula secukup rasa)
cooking oil-(minyak)

Blend smooth the *ingredients. Heat oil in a wok. fry anchovies till crispy. Leave it aside. Now stir fry the blended ingredients together with lemongrass till fragrant. Make sure the oil floats. Add some water and stir a while. Add onion rings, tamarind juice, salt and sugar. Stir and give it to boil. Finally add the fried anchovies. Mix well and turn off the flame.-(Kisar bahan*. Panaskan minyak dan goreng ikan bilis hingga garing. Ketepikan. Tumis bahan* bersama dengan serai hingga wangi dan garing. Masukkan air dan kacau seketika.
 Masukkan bawang yang dihiris bulat, jus asam jawa, garam dan gula. Kacau dan biarkan mendidih. Akhir sekali, masukkan ikan bilis, kacau rata dan matikan api.)

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