Thursday, April 01, 2010

Mysore Fried Chicken

If were to follow the original recipe and picture, this chicken should be more dry and brown, but it was because I wanted to have a bit of gravy I cooked it this way, not following to the instructions given..

11/2kg chicken-remove skin and cut into small pieces-( 11/2kg ayam-dibuang kulitdan potong kecil)
2 onions-cut into halves and slice thinly-(2 bawang besar dipotong 2 dan hiris nipis)
2 green chillies-cut into strips-(2 batang cili hijau-dipotong panjang)
1 red chili-cut into strips-(1 batang cili merah-dipotong panjang)
2 tbsp coriander powder-(2 sudu besar serbuk ketumbar)
1 tbsp chili powder-(1 sduu besar serbuk cili)
1 tsp turmeric powder-(1 sudu kecil kunyit serbuk)
1 tsp cumin powder-(1 sudu kecil jintan putih)
1 tsp minced ginger-(1 sudu kecil halia kisar)
salt and msg to taste-(garam dan serbuk perasa secukupnya)
2 cups of water-(2 cawan air)
8 tbsp oil-(8 sudu besar minyak)
coriander leaves- (daun ketumbar)

Combine chicken with all the ingredients (except oil) and 1 cup water from the allowance in a big bowl. Heat oil, add chicken, fry till fragrant. Add rest of water, cover and leave to boil over low heat until chicken is dry and brown, stirring occasionally. Garnish with small coriander leaves.-(Campurkan ayam dengan bahan2 (melainkan minyak dan 1 cawan air) didalam mangkuk besar. Panaskan minyak dan masukkan ayam dan goreng hingga naik bau. Masukkan 1 cawan air lagi tadi, tutup dan biarkan mendidih dengan menggunakan api perlahan hingga ayam kering dan betukar warna brown, kacau sekejap2 supaya tak hangus. Hiaskan dengan daun ketumbar)
Sources:-From Zarina Easy Cooking

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