Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tauhu Telor

A quick update ..cant sit for long..experiment with this today and the results was good. I think this taste better then the one in Sanur Indonesian restaurant !(mampui kalau dia orang baca ni hehe)..of course for me I added more bird eyes chillies for the sauce, not into too sweet sauce I suppose,... I halved the amount for the sauce, still yields quite an amount. No lettuce for the garnishings, just shredded cucumber and carrots..

Recipe from Chef Tania's blog you can see it here, if you dont have the mould for this, you can use the milk can and open up both ends to form a mould..
I use a metal ring for this and deep fried using my deep fryer..for the 2 beancurds I just used 5 beaten eggs,
so please adjust to preference.

10 eggs-(10 telor)
1/2 tsp pepper-(1/2 sudu kecil lada putih)
little salt-(garam)
Mix them together-(Kacau kesemua bahan2)

2 pieces beancurd diced to small cubes- fried and put aside-(2 keping tauhu dipotong dadu, goreng dan ketepikan)
oil for frying-(minyak untuk menggoreng)

Garnishings-(Bahan Hiasan)
lettuce-(daun salad)
shredded cucumber, carrots-(timun dan lobak merah )
grounded peanuts-(kacang tanah tumbuk)

Heat oil,  using a mould look alike  an evaporated milk tin or make one using the tin. The oil must cover the height of the mould.(I just add on the oil in the mould while frying) .Once oil is hot, add in some beaten eggs inside, follow by the fried beancurd and repeat procedure till the mould is full top with egg mixture for the last and fry till brown, using the medium heat. Once ready pull out the mould, dish our and drained.-(Panaskan minyak. Gunakan acuan yang tinggi untuk menggoreng tauhu ni. Boleh gunakan bekas tin susu yang telah ditebuk bawahnya . Minyak harus memenuhi ketinggian acuan. (Saya curah2kan minyak aje kedalam acuan semasa menggoreng). Bila minyak sudah panas, masukkan aduna telor kedalam acuan, diikuti dengan tauhu dan kemudain telur lagi. Ulangi sehingga penuh acuan tu, dan goreng menggunakan api sederhana sehingga kekuningan. Bila siap, angkat dan tarik keluar acuan dan toskan.)

Blended Ingredients:-(Bahan Kisar)
10 red chillies-(10 lada merah)
20 bird eyes chillies-(20 lada padi)
3 garlics-(3 bawang putih)

1/2 cup tomato sauce-(1/2 cawan tomato sos)
1/2 cup chilli sauce-(1/2 cawan chili sos)
1/2 cup lime juice-(1/2 cawan jus limau nipis)
5 tbsp palm sugar-(5 sudu besar gula melaka)
4 tbsp fine sugar-(4 sudu besar gula)
1/2 cup water-(1/2 cawan air)
3 tbsp shrimp paste(petis)-(3 sudu besar petis)
1/2 cup dark soy sauce-(1/2 cawan kicap pekat)
Mix all the above and cook over slow heat and mix well-(Gaulkan semua bahan2 dan masak diatas api perlahan)

Serving Method:-
Garnish with garnishing ingredients and sprinkle with the grounded peanuts and pour the rojak sauce on top.
-(Hiaskan dengan bahan2 hiasan dan taburkan kacang tanah tumbuk dan curahkan sos rojak keatasnya.)
Sources:-From dapurcheftaniashiokadoo.blogspot.com

 And you can see my deep fryer yang dah berkerak ni..hehe

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