Monday, April 19, 2010

Steamed Coconut Blossoms

 This recipe has been kept for quite sometimes way before I had a blog..hehe..managed to make this last Friday for Mr Hubby's breakfast and yes he brought along about more then 20 pcs to office..his collegues love them!.. Purposely made using just white as I was lazy to mix with other made the top white(putih suci gitu hehehe)  and I used the brown paper cups to make it stands out..

As for the fillings I used my Kuih Koci Coconut Fillings..I still put up the recipe for the fillings from the original recipe, so up to you which you preferred Ok..

Ingredients A:-
3 biji telur sejuk-(Ayu guna 3 biji telur besar)(3 large cold eggs)
220g gula halus-saya gunakan 170g gula castor -(220g fine sugar-I used 170g castor sugar)
275g softasilk flour-saya gunakan tepung hong kong-(275g softasilk flour- I used hong kong flour)
3 sudu kecil baking powder-(3 tsp baking powder)
1 sudu kecil ovalette-(1 tsp ovalette)
140g santan-(Ayu guna 70g santan + 70 susu) ((Ayy used 70g coconut cream +70g milk)

Fillings B:-
50g gula -(50g sugar)
125g gula melaka-(125g palm sugar)
1 sudu kecil tepung jagung dibancuh dengan50g air-(1 tsp corn flour mix with 50g water)
3 helai daun pandan - (3 screwpine leaves)
225g kelapa parut-(225g grated coconut)
Bahan2 untuk filling hendaklah disatukan lalu dimasak hinggakering-(Combine ingredients for fillings and cook till thickens and a bit dry)

Semua bahan2 A dipukul dengan high speed. Bahagikan kepada beberapa bahagian lalu diwarna mengikut kegemeran anda. Masukkan sedikit adunan kedalm acuan kemudian bubuhkan fillingnya lalu ditutup lagi dengan tepung. Kukus selama 15 minit. -(Beat ingredients A at high speed. Divide to a few portions for different colours preferred. Add batter in moulds, add fillings and cover with batter again. Steam for 15 minutes.)
Sources:-From rossyabakes.fotopages


  1. Putih suci murni je nampak coconut blossom Ayu ni...

  2. Mamafami - haha..suci sesuci sucinya mama..wakakaka...dont play play ha..hehe


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