Monday, May 10, 2010

Horlick Doggy Cookies

Ok need to quickly  update, cause in a whiles time the kids will be Iqram's paper was English Paper 2.Tomorrow will be Maths, later when he is back kena drill lagi..ha biarkan sampai 'jendul' dia terkeluar kat belakang kepala pulak...I sat with him to do the Maths till I also see Stars!!!..cause mostly,  all the knowledge already 'Returned back to Teacher' ..huwahhh...Wednesday will be Mother Tongue Paper 2, then Thursday will be Science and after that can relax one cornerlah..hehe

Made this cookies also quite sometimes ago before last, last mum loves this cookies, maybe it was not too sweet..but I would like to be  more sweeter the next time I make them...saw the recipe in here. Marsya loves to eat the 'ears' and 'nose'..and the rest she gave it to mak dia kenyang tepung aje ler..hehe..mysteriously, the boys dont really like them, dont understand why... as Hasif was the one who choose this for his cookies craving...alamak after all the back ache of making them, he just stopped at one!

Anyway, would like to thank the dear owner, for sharing  the recipe and great creativity in creating such cute cookies!...I put up the recipe here for my future reference ya.

250g Butter-(250g mentega)
120g Horlicks-(120g horlicks)
40g corn flour-(40g tepung jagung)
40g milk powder-(40g susu tepung)
250g cake flour-(250g tepung kek)
30g castor sugar-(would like to add more in the future)-(30g gula kastor-saya akan tambahkan lagi dimasa depan)
1 egg yolk-(1 biji telur kuning)

Beat butter and sugar till creamy. Add in egg yolk. Add in Horlick, flour, milk powder and mix well.(dont over done). Weigh dough 10g each and shape into small round ball and decorate with:-(Pukul mentega dan gula hingga kembang. Masukkan kuning telur. Masukkan horlicks, tepung, susu tepung dan gaul rata.(jangan terlalu kacau). Timbang doh seberat 10g dan bentukkan seperti bola kecil dan hiaskan dengan:-)

Ear-Nestle Koko Krunch-(Telinga)
Eyes-Chocolate Rice-(Mata)
Nose- Chocolate Chips-(Hidung)

Bake at preheat oven for 25 minutes at 150C.
Important note:- Immediately store the cookies in an airtight container so that it wont turn soggy once it cooled down.-(Bakar didalam oven yang telah dipanaskan selama 25 minit 150C. Mustahak- Cepat masukkan cookies kedalam balang yg kedap udara, supaya tak jadi lembut bila dah sejuk.))


  1. OMG, those are such cute doggies kak! Simply loved them...sure my kids will love it too...

    Was looking for simple cookie recipe which I can start off...this looks simple but elegant! Thanks for sharing ya!

    Credits to Sonia@Nasilemarlover too ^___^

  2. comelnyaaa! i bet it tastes really good, horlicks adalah best! (although tak ramai orang suka minum)

  3. love2cook - yes, yes i think your kids would love them, but i suggest to add a bit more sugar, cos, the taste is actually just nice for a diabetic person like my mum, tapi for the kids, they prefer a bit more sweeter.. yes thank you to sonia@nasilemaklover for this creative ideas!.

    kog - taste ok, kog, tapi k ayu memang nak add sikit lagi gula untuk kasi terlebih kesedapnnya..hehe

  4. So cute!!!!
    Kalau buat masa raya and budak2 datang, sure yg ini habis dulu kan, hehehe..
    Your 'house' sudah cat baru and perabut semua baru jugak ye :-D

  5. Oops Ayu... ignore the 'house' baru and perabut baru comment tu. Silap rumah, hahahha

  6. Hihi.. comelnye..rajin betul akak buat satu satu macam tu ek... cute sangat :)

  7. I baked this horlick doggy cookies 2yrs ago waktu raya... ya rabbi... benda ni jadi rebutan... honestly after that.. i didnt bake it anymore for raya cos leceh bangat cookies ni... nak letak telinga.. nak letak mata.. nak letak mulut lagi hahahha.. for own consumption ok lah but for raya.. buat banyak banyak pun tak akan cukup :o(

  8. lemongrass - hahah..rumah tetap sama cuma wallpaper aje bersalin kulit..perabut pun sama..hehe which is tak ada..hehe

    ijan - lepas tu sakit pinggang dik..hehe pakkal lah nak makan..hehe

    rima - betul tu rima, buat dia memang ada sikit punya leceh..tapi lepas tu macam sense of satisfaction gitu pun ada..memang kalau unutk raya tak boleh angkat lah ni..haha

  9. Salam kak ayu..
    mmg best cookies ni..sesuai untuk anak2kan..kiut sehh..bolehla kite try,kire jajan tuk si kecik dua org tu..hehe takot nnt mummynye yg lebih2 mkn..

  10. mummyseri - walkslm, aah seri, boleh jugak macam jajan kan hehe..tapi, nak kena manis lagi sikit baru ok rasanya.. my kids, tak makan sangat as tak manis dia orang cakap..

  11. Bole tak substitute cake flour to optima flour?

  12. mas - rasa2 akak boleh aje dear..lagi bagus kot sebab tepung optima, ada gula dan this biskut kalau akak buat lagi memang nak kena tambah gula..sebab dia kurang manis ..sorry ya akak lamabt reply..sibuk semacam ler..


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