Monday, May 10, 2010

Macaroni Ayam Kuah Tomato

Good Morning, dah afternoon was your Mother's Day celebrations yesterday?...For me, we just went out for lunch .My parents plus my brother & family from JB, joined us..when asked my mum where she would like to go and eat, she preferred Hajah Maimunah@Joo Chiat Rd. She said she rather go to Malay restaurant compared to other restaurant, cause she dont really fancy those food..Come to think about it, true jugak, rather then we spent the money to bring her to fancy restaurant and pay for so much and she just eat 1 small plate of food...

Anyway, punyalah ramai orang queueing up for the order sampai kat luar restaurant...Lupa nak bawa camera to record our menu there..Lunch pun keluar dah lambat, cause waited for my brother so we reached there around 3pm...after that we makan sampai dah tersadai kat kerusi..hehe..then  just went straight home and believe or not we skipped our dinner cause was still full...

The above 'Chicken Macaroni In Tomato Broth', was last week menu...especially for Iqram and Marsya..this dish is really not hot and suitable for kids...Iqram bertambah sampai mulut2 comot sebab dia menghirup the soup..hehe...Orang tua yang suka pedas like me, memang makan tak ada 'kick' ler..hehe this dish is easy to prepare before the kids come back from school.

1kg chicken breast- cut to bite size pieces-(1kg dada ayam potong kecil)
4 medium tomatoes- remove seeds cut into pieces then liquidise-(4 biji tomato dibuang bijinya then di kisar)
2 cloves garlic-add to tomato and liquidise-(2 bawang putih- disatukan dengan tomato, dikisar)
1/2 tbsp ground black pepper-(1/2 sudu besar serbuk  lada hitam)
1 tbsp butter-(1 sudu besar mentega)
6 tbsp tomato puree-(6 sudu besar tomato puree)
800ml water-(800ml air)
1 medium carrot-peel then cut into small cubes-(1 batang lobak merah sederhana dipotong dadu)
50g green peas-(50g kacang peas)
juice of 1 lemon-(1 biji jus lemon)
salt  & sugar to taste-(garam & gula secukupnya)

Combine chicken with ground tomato and pepper. Heat butter, add chicken-tomato mixture and stir well. Add tomato puree, water, carrot and green peas. Bring to the boil, add lemon juice and salt and stir well. Continue to simmer till chicken and carrots are soft.
Note: This is a bland dish suitable for children.-(Gaulkan ayam bersama tomato kisar dan serbuk lada hitam. Pijarkan mentega, masukkan campuran ayam-tomato kisar dan kacau rata. Masukkan toamto puree, air lobak merah dan kacang peas. Setelah mendidih, masukkan jus lemon , garam dan gula dan gaul lagi. Kacau lagi sehingga lobak merah dan kacang peas empuk. Nota:- Masakkkan ini sesuai untuk anak2 kerana tak pedas)
Sources:-From Zarina's Easy Cooking

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