Monday, May 24, 2010

Ikan Pari Masak Hijau

A few years back when I was still working, I remembered a collegue of mine reserved a Straits Peranakan Restaurant for a farewell lunch for one our collegue who was leaving the company.. The name of the restaurant if I am not mistaken was 'Casa Bon Vento'..located somewhere in Joo Chiat Road or near Katong area..this restaurant signature dish was baby sting ray marinated in sambal belacan...we loved this dish and only if I can get the recipe isnt it good, telling myself at that time..

Then  after a while, there  was this cooking programme in Suria channel, that featured this recipe which was demonstrated by the owner herself!!...wah quickly  search for a pen for this  recipe, but miss some part of it..while looking for one!! basically ingat2 lupa lah ni..but I 've remembered  the main ingredients was to use baby stingray and sambal below was what I adjusted myself for this dish, which I think almost like the real ones..hehe

2-3 ekor anak ikan pari-dibersihkan, potong, gaul dengan kunyit & garam.
1 sudu besar bawang putih kisar
2 sudu besar sambal belacan
3-4 batang daun kari
3 batang cili hijau dihiris
1-2 sudu kecil serbuk lada hitam
garam & serbuk perasa secukupnya

Campurkan bawang putih, serbuk lada hitam, sambal belacan dan ketepikan. Panaskan minyak, goreng ikan pari hingga agak garing. Angkat, toskan dan ketepikan. Kurangkan minyak kalau gunakan minyak gorengan ikan tadi. Masukkan campuran, sambal belacan, bawang putih, serbuk lada hitam dan tumis hingga naik bau. Masukkan lada hijau dan daun kari, kacau rata . Masukkan sedikit perasa dan garam kalau necessary dan gaul rata. Masukkan ikan pari yang telah digoreng tadi dan kacau gaul rata. Biarkan sekejap hingga tumisan tadi sebati dan meresap dengan isi ikan. Matikan api. Siap untuk dihidang.
Sources:-From a cooking programme in suria channel


  1. mcm senang nak buat.. but looks yummy

  2. I could just pull back my saliva now dear! hehehe...looks sooooo yumm lor! ;)

    psst, there are some waiting for U at my space...:D

  3. salam kak ayu,
    kecur air liur saya nampak cili2 tu. tak pernah saya nampak pari masak ijau macam ni. slalu jumpa bakar or asam pedas jer. nice recipy, kak ayu.. lenkali nak beli ikan pari lak..

  4. pearlnscarf - memang senang nak buat, hehe lagi best kalau dapat anak ikan pari, sebab isinya halus..

    love2cook - psssttt..ooookey..will come over..thank u love, with whatever will that be..hehe

    indahhouse -walkslm, hehe..betul tu selalu, ikan pari ni dibakar atau masak asam pedas aje kan..cubalah resipi ni mana tahu kena dgn selera nurindah..:-)


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