Monday, May 24, 2010

Kobis Goreng Telur Asin

Our vegetable dish, oh yes, today's entries are not today's menu ya..all are last week's dish...saw this recipe in  Zalieda's kitchen...gave it a try..cause I wanted to use up my long kept already boiled salted mum dah nak buang aje telur asin tu tapi I said dont, cause they are still in good conditions, 'air packed' lagi tau..she said she preferred those eggs yang we boiled sendiri dari yang dah siap direbus..hehe....

After frying this, I tried rasa, uih sedap tau, lagi kalau dimakan panas2...believe it or not, I fried this cabbage using half of a small green cabbage with 2 salted egg yolks..habis kau..hehe, me eating all alone..

Kobis (bulat takpe, yg panjang pun takpe)-(cabbage-either round or long ones)
1/2 biji Bawang Besar-(1/2 large onion sliced)
2 ulas bawang putih-(2 garlics)
1 biji telur manis @ asin-Ayu gunakan kuning telur asinnya aje-(1 salted egg- Ayu used just the egg yolk)
1/2 biji cili ( kalau pakai lada benggala lg ok kot coz ada warna-warni sikit)-(1/2 chili- Ayu used bird eyes chillies- can also usethose green/yellow/red  pepper for more colours)
minyak secukupnya-(enough oil)
garam & perasa kalau mahu-(salt & msg if necessary)

1. Panaskan minyak. Tumiskan bawang putih hingga naik bau dan seterusnya bolehlah dimasukkan bawang besar dan cili. Biarkan layu sedikit aje.-(Heat oil, saute sliced garlics till fragrant ,add in sliced onions and sliced chillies and stir till slightly soft.)
2. kemudian, bolehlah dimasukkan telur masin. Cincangkan telur kuning tadi tu dgn senduk supaya hancur. Kacau hingga sebati..-(Add in salted egg yolk, mashed it with the ladle and stir well.)
3. Bila dah sebati, blhlah dimasukkan kobis. Biarkan ianya sedikit layu dan blhlah diangkat. Jgn masak lama sgt tau.. Siap dan blhlah dihidangkan.-(When incorporated, add in sliced cabbage and stir till slightly soft and dish out. Dont overcook and ready to serve.)

Nota :  Saya masak nie untuk sekali makan jer dalam anggaran sepiring. kalau masak lebih, blhlah ditambah bahan2 yang lain yer-(Zalieda, cooks this for 1 time meal, approximately for a small plate, if wants to cook more just double the ingredients)

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