Thursday, May 27, 2010

Nasi Lemak Kukus

Decided to make this for lunch today...steamed it, for 3 times!..hehe..but didnt soak the rice overnight cause as usual, last minute decisions in the mum was puzzled why I have to steam for so many times...I told her to get that long grains... my dad  dah berulang alik kedapur, asik tengok dah masak kebelum..haha..sebab dah lapar and nasi belum termasak2 lagi....

So basically I soaked the rice pun lebih kurang aje and steam it, by placing banana leaves in the steamer and placed the rice on it...Side dishes to go along was Kangkung Goreng bawang puith, telur dadar, sambal tumis udang and ikan benggol goreng, top up with some fried ground nut  and fried anchovies..nasi ni muai tau, sebab tak ada kerak..

5 cawan beras-(5 cups rice)
2 biji pati santan-(2 whole thick coocnut milk)
3 helai daun pandan-(3 pandan leaves)
garam secukup rasa-(salt to taste)

Didihkan air dalam pengukus. Basuh beras dan kukus dalam pengukus selama 20 minit atau beras separuh masak. Keluarkan beras dari pengukus dan rendam dengan air sekurang-kurangnya 3-4 jam supaya beras memanjang 2 kali ganda.-(Put steamer to boil. Wash rice and steam for 20 minutes or till rice is half cooked. Dish out rice from steamer and soak for at least 3-4 hours so that the rice will be doubled in length.)
Tukar air selalu jika perlu penyejukan lebih cepat. Setelah itu, kukus semula beras yang telah memanjang tadi hingga masak atau lebih kurang 15 minit. Keluarkan nasi yang telah masak dan gaul bersama santan yang telah dicampur garam dan biar seketika atau 10 minit supaya santan menyerap masuk dalam beras. Akhir sekali, kukus lagi sekali bersama daun pandan hingga nasi kelihatan berderai, cantik dan santan yang terserap tadi masak.-(Change water frequently, to get the speedy room temperature. Steam again till cooked for another 15 minutes. Dish out the rice again, and mix with coconut milk and let it for awhile for 10 minutes so as the rice absorbs the coconut milk. Lastly steam again together with pandan leaves till rice are nice and the coocnut milk are cooked.)

Semasa mengukus, lubangkan dengan jari beras tersebut supaya masak serata. Sekiranya hendak makan pada pagi, kukus dan rendam pada waktu malam sebelum. Lebih lama rendam, lebih panjang beras. Nasi lemak kukus ini lebih sedap dari yang ditanak biasa dan lebih untung kerana tiada kerak.
-(While steaming the rice, make some holes in the rice so that the steam will make pass tru and cooked the rice evenly. If you want to eat the morning, steam and soak the night before. The longer the rice been soaked, the longer the rice will be. Steam nasi lemak are nicer to eat compared from the normal way nasi lemak and more economical as there are no scales left behing)

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