Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sambal Tumis Udang

When comes to sambal tumis, it is hard to get the right consistency, sweetness, and sourness..I have been trying to get the right amount of taste for quite sometimes....I dont really like sambal that are sweet, although for a nasi lemak and sayur lodeh's sambal you need to have that hind of sweetness in it...

So far, I guessed, for this sambal tumis, I only added about 1/2 tbsp of sugar..and that works for me...still can be improve, I guessed...apa2 pun I like this sambal tumis..hehe

1 cawan air-(1 cup water)
3-4 sudu teh garam-(3-4 tsp salt)
4 ulas bawang merah-(4 shallots)
2 ulas bawang putih-(2 garlics)
4-5 biji cili padi-(4-5 bird eyes chillies)
4-5 sudu makan cili giling-(4-5 tbsp chili paste)
1/2 cawan air asam jawa-(1/2 cup tamarind juice)
1 biji cili merah - dihiris-(1 red chili sliced)
1 labu bawang besar - dihiris-(1 large onion sliced)
garam dan gula secukup rasa-(salt and sugar to taste)

*bahan opsyenal*-optional
2 papan petai- stinky beans

Rebus udang bersama air dan garam sehingga separuh masak...Ketepikan udang bersama air rebusannya...(Cara ini menjadikan isi udang lembut dimakan dan hidangan kurang berminyak)
Tumbukkan bawang merah, bawang putih dan cili padi...Panaskan minyak dan tumiskan bahan-bahan yang ditumbuk...Masukkan cili giling...Masukkan petai kalau suka... Kemudian, masukkan udang dan air rebusannya...Biarkan agak kering kemudian masukkan air asam jawa... Masukkan hirisan cili merah dan bawang besar...Bubuhkan garam dan gula secukup rasa...Angkat apabila mendapat kekeringan yang dikehendaki...Sedia untuk dihidangkan.-(Boil prawns together with some salt till half cooked. Dish out and put aside, keep the stock too. (The method used here so that the prawns are tender to eat and the dish is not oily). Ground, shallots, garlics and bird eyes chillies. Heat oil and saute grounded ingredients. Add in chili paste, and stink beans if preferred. Add in prawns and prawns stock. Let it a bit dry then add in tamarind juice. Add in sliced red chillies and large onion. Add some salt and sugar to taste. Dish out to to your own preference for the gravy consistency. Ready and serve)

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