Monday, June 07, 2010

Asparagus Goreng Udang & Cendawan

Believe it or not, this was my first time eating asparagus!..although, I have known and seen this vegetables before, ..hehe...As usual, I added bird eyes chillies, although not in recipe...:-)

10 batang  Asparagus-(10 asparagus)
100g Udang -(100g prawns)
 4 biji  Cendawan Butang - dihiris nipis-(Ayu gunakan cendawan tiram aje)-(4 buton mushrooms sliced thinly- I used oyster mushrooms)
 2 Bawang Putih - dicincang-(2 garlics chopped)

1 inci Halia - dihiris nipis -(1 inch ginger)
1/2 sudu besar Tepung Jagung-(1/2 tbsp corn flour)
1 sudu besar Sos Tiram -(1 tbsp oyster sauce)
Garam & gula secukup rasa-(salt & sugar to taste)

Gaul sebati udang, tepung jagung, dan garam.Goreng asparagus hingga layu. Angkat dan ketepikan.
Goreng udang hingga masak. Angkat dan ketepikan.Tumis bawang putih dan halia hingga wangi.
Masukkan sos tiram, cendawan, dan garam. Kacau rata.Masukkan udang dan asparagus. Kacau sebati dan hidang.-(Mix corn flour with prawns and salt. Fry asparagus till soft, dish out and put aside. Fry prawns till cooked, dish out and put aside. Saute garlics and ginger till fragrant, add in oyster sauce, mushrooms and salt. Stir well. Add in asparagus and prawns. Mix well and serve.)

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