Monday, June 07, 2010

Lemak Tumis Kembung

Original recipe was to use the selar kuning(yellow banded scad), but mine I used the kembung(chubb mackerel), according to Kak Anim, this dish can be cooked if you have leftover fried fishes, but for mine, I purposely fried fishes for this dish..sedap!..tapi mine macam pekat sikit gitu..hehe.anyway, minta izin c&p recipenya here Kak Anim thank u ya kak.

500 gm ikan selar kuning – dibersihkan-Ayu gunakan ikan kembung-(500g yellow banded scad, wash & cleaned- I used chubb mackerel)
serbuk kunyit-(turmeric powder)
minyak untuk menggoreng-(oil for frying)

½ biji bawang besar – di mayang-(1/2 large onion sliced thinly)
2 ulas bawang putih – dihiris-(2 garlics sliced)
1 inci halia – dihiris halus-(1 inch ginger sliced thinly)
½ sudu kecil serbuk kunyit-(1/2 tsp turmeric powder)
1 batang cili merah – hiris serong-(1 red chilli cut slant)
2 cawan santan – tidak terlalu cair-(2 cups coconut milk- not too thin)
1 keping asam gelugur-(1 dried tamarind slice)
garam + gula secukup rasa-(salt & sugar to taste)

Gaul ikan bersama serbuk kunyit dan garam. Goreng dan ketepikan.
Kurangkan minyak goreng di dalam kuali dan tumiskan bawang besar, bawang putih, halia, serbuk kunyit dan cili merah hingga naik bau dan bawang layu sedikit.
Masukkan santan dan asam keping, masak hingga sedikit mendidih.
Masukkan ikan yang telah digoreng tadi dan gaul rata. Perasakan dengan garam dan gula. Renihkan sebentar sebelum dihidang.-(Marinate fishes with salt and turmeric powder. Deep fried, dish out and put aside. Lessen the oil and saute sliced onions, garlics, ginger, turmeric powder and red chillies till fragrant and onions are soft. Add in coconut milk and dried tamarind slice and let it till boil. Add in fried fishes and mix well. Add in salt and sugar to taste. Let it simmers for a while before serving.)

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