Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ayam Goreng Cili Padi

 As usual, lauk mesti ada yang nak pedas..if not hot, macam loya gitu..hehe..for me this dish is enough for me to go along with rice...the boys also like this..especially Iqram, who is a fan for ayam lemak cili api! when he ate this, air 1 botol standby..but keep asking for more ..haha...for Marsya, I just left 1-2 small pieces of fried chicken for her which she can eat it with the soup...

Ok just want to update, looks like my toilet cant be done during this school seems that the contractor's schedule are filled till next month!...Our's will be somewhere in middle July..Lahhh!!..if we know we just go for a short break!..tak apalah, the budget can be kept aside and roll over  for our December holidays..who knows, we can go somewhere further then our normal holidays..hehe insyaallah..

Ingredients A:-
1 ekor ayam dibersihkan dan dibelah 8
1 batang serai ditumbuk lumat
sedikit lada hitam
sedikit tepung beras
sedikit kunyit serbuk & garam

Ingredients B:-
1 genggam cili padi
2 labu bawang besar
1 batang serai
garam secukupnya

Setelah ayam dibersihkan, lumurkan bahan A ke ayam dan perapkan selama 1 jam. Setelah itu boleh digoreng ayamnya sehingga kekuningan. Bahan B hendaklah ditumbuk tetapi jangan hancur dan serai hanya dititik. Tumis bahan2 ini jangan sampai garing. Kemudian campurkan ayam gorengan tadi kedalm tumisan ini. Siap untuk dimakan.jika tidak tahan pedas, cili padi boleh digantikan dengan cili merah atau cili kering.
Sources:- From Nurhidayah Jailani@


  1. Mesti sedap...tapi Akak tak makan ayam...& cili api tooo much for me....lidah ni a bit manja...Ayu ni cam kakak ipar I punya family..jenis boleh gigit cili api...mak aii...dah terasa pedas & pedih perut I kena gigit cili api...nak gi toilet dulu lah!!

  2. watierman - hahah..betul tu kak, memang kita boleh gigit cili padi gitu2 aje..hehe..tapi in the family only me yg boleh yg lain memang tak boleh.. hahah..kelakar lah akak ni..nak pergi toilet dulu ya..haha

  3. Woooo... you can gang up with me for this...meleleh air liur!

  4. Homekreation - yeh yeh dah ada gang!..heheh..

  5. Nyum2.. Kene try ni. Air liur meleh dah tgok gmbar.hehe.thanks for sharing..

  6. Sedapnyaaa .makan dgn nasi panas2 lagi . 😍


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