Thursday, June 24, 2010

Sup Kentang & Rakan2

Salam, today pagi2 kita dah masuk entry ya..hahaha..yesterday suppose to update but, you knowlah..with the kids around, baru nak duduk, one nak makanlah, the other nak susulah....then as I got up from the chair, the eldest take over the seat and there goes my update....

Anyway, just as usual, soupy dish for my girl yang tak makan pedas..potatoes soup with egg drops and fish balls...normally her dishes are soups like this. its just that I played around with the ingredients used...maybe its common for some, but I guessed, for  those mum yang ada anak kecik like mine yang tak makan pedas..this could  give some ideas thats all...


  1. i think when your daughter's grown up she will remember this simple dish very fondly... macam kita ingat mak kita buat jugak :)

  2. Ha..ha..betoi tu KOG..sebab Akak pun selalu jamu anak2 dengan sup sempi cam kena nasi panas....dengan sup....hrmmmm!

  3. I will definately love this. My kids? Errrr.... ntah eh....

  4. kog - yes tru, wat u said, for myself, i remembered my mum suapkan i masih kecik lauk kicap dgn telur aje..hehehe..

    watierman - betul tu kak, lauk2 sempoi selalunya memang bertambah makan nasi..tak sadar dah 1/2 periuk nasi aku makan..hehe

    mamafami - oh mama also love this dish ya..maybe ur kids dah besar kot itu sebab lauk gini dia org tak suka sangat, like my eldest lauk gini dah tak berapa he prefers yg pedas2 punya..hahah


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