Friday, June 11, 2010

Bayam & Keledek Masak Bening

Gravy & vegetable dish, as usual for the kids,as  its not hot ..this time I use spinach with sweet potatoes instead of the corn....purple sweet potatoes, made the soup turned to purple too..hehe..same procedure as Bayam & Jagung Masak Bening..


  1. Saya suka perkataan bening tu (masak air).dah lama tak dengar...suka browse resepi kat sini sbb food sumer nampak sedappp...nyum2..

  2. fadillah - thank u sudi keblog akak yg tak seberapa ni..haha..perkataan bening dah lali kat rumah akak, sebab selalu masak air tu for my girl yang tak makan pedas..hehe


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