Friday, June 11, 2010

Ayam Goreng Madras

Fried this chicken as the kids dont eat the crabs...I used 1kg chicken wings berebut makan, baik the kids or the orang tua..hehe..sedap ayam goreng macam ni..crispy at the outside and soft in the inside...the taste pun ada sikit2 macam ayam goreng yogurt which I ever posted before..

Recipe I got from Kak Asma blog, which she got from Cikgu Zana, tried to find the recipe in Cikgu's blog, tak jumpa pulak...Anyway, thank you all for sharing this recipe, minta halal recipenya ya..

500g ayam-(500g chicken)
*60g bawang merah(dlm 6 biji)-(60g shallots-about 6nos)
*60g bawang putih(dlm 10 biji)-(60g garlics-about 10 nos)
*60g halia-(60g ginger)
(*bahan kisar)-(*blended ingredients)
3 sudu besar serbuk kari daging-(3 tbsp curry powder)
2 sudu besar serbuk kunyit-(2 tbsp turmeric powder)
1/2 sudu teh lada hitam-(1/2 tsp black pepper)
4 sudu besar tepung beras-(4 tbsp rice flour)
garam secukup rasa-Ayu tambah sedikit serbuk perasa-(salt to taste- I added some msg)
Minyak untuk menggoreng-(oil for frying)
3 sudu besar dadih-Ayu tak letak-(3 tbsp yogurt- I didnt put)

Gaul bahan2 yang telah dikisar bersama ayam. Kemudian masukkan bahan2 lain kecuali minyak . Gaul sebati dan perap 1/2 jam atau lebih. Panaskan minyak dan goreng ayam tadi. Hidangkan bersama sos atau pun dadih.-(Mix blended ingredients to chicken. Add in other ingrdients except oil. Deep fry chicken. When ready, serve with sauce or yogurt.)
Sources:-From Majalah Rasa Mei 2010 - Kak Asma & Cikgu Zana

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