Monday, June 21, 2010

Puding Batik Marie

So how was your weekend?..Well you see, just wanted to share this, what happened early yesterday morning..
Mr Hubby:     'What day is today? boys?'
Boys:              'SUNNDAAAY!', 
Mr Hubby:      What date is today boys?
Iqram:            20th June 2010
Mr Hubby :     Paused, carry on watching the TV

Boys:               Paused, carried on playing their PSP

Everybody just carried on with their lives...
Then, afternoon after the mee kari lunch...

Mr Hubby:     Mama, what day is today?
Mama:           Sunday lah!..wah so cialat, day also cant remember huh?
                       You think what day today? weekdays huh?
                       seelah seldom take leave, Sundays also   
                       thought weekdays..(mama start to mumble..)

Mr Hubby:     (maybe cant control his emotions anymore)
                       Hey, is there such thing as 'Father's Day?'
Mama:           (mama's jaw almost drop off)...OH MY GOD!!!..oh dear!..Oh my..
                       How can I forgot?..Boys!!!! You see! you see..I told you the other day..
                      OK! ok!..later we go out for dinner eh..
Mr Hubby:    What?! then I pay huh?..
Mama:  PAY, I pay..(inside my heart..aduh tekopak le(kena tax)..
Moral of story, remember next time, to prepare earlier for the gift,(cause cheaper) then to go out for dinner on me..hehe..

Anyway. this was what I made quite sometimes ago..recipe was given verbally by my SIL, over the phone..
I tried her puding batik marie, or better well known for 'kek batik marie'..when we had a gathering last year..
Been wanting to make this until a few batches of my marie's biscuit kena cionkong by whoever  in the house(dont know who, cause cant trace) here it is at last..
The difference about this recipe was that the use of 'nestum' in it....

300g marie biscuits cut to quartered-(300g biskut marie-dipatahkan 4)
1/2 cup condensed milk-(1/2 cawan susu pekat)
2 cups milo-(2 cawan milo)
3 tbsp cocoa powder-(3 sudu besar serbuk koko)
1 cup nestum-for baby-(1 cawan bijiran nestum untuk baby)
1 cup butter-(1 cawan butter)
3 eggs-(3 biji telur)
1 tsp vanilla essence-(1 sudu kecil vanilla essence)

Lighly beaten eggs and combine all the ingredients except, bicuits and put to boil on a medium heat. When butter has melt and mixture thickens, add in biscuits. Mix well. Pour mixture into a tray which has been placed with plastic wrap as the base and press till compact. When all has been pressed, put in the fridge, serve when its already set, or cold. -( Pukul telur sedikit dan campurkan semua bahan2 melainkan biskut. Masak diatas api yang sederhana. Bila mentega sudah cair, dan adunan agak memekat, masukkan biskut dan gaul rata. Tuang adunan kedalam loyang yang telah di alas dengan plastic(untuk memudahkan memotong) dan tekan2kan hingga padat. Bila semua dah selesai, masukkan kedalam fridge dan biarkan hingga sejuk dan menggeras.)


  1. Can try with the Nestum next time...hehe..lucky I beli was on Sale!!!

  2. o kak ayu pun tak nak panggil kek ye? kita panggil biskut batik, tak sampai hati panggil kek... orang buat kek penat² pakai mixer, ni tekan² je takkan kek jugak kan? hihi :)

  3. hahaha..gelak akak baca psl n3 nih..cian mr hubby!! abih tu seluar ayu 'rabak' besorr ke?? xpe la sekali sekala banjer hubby lak on his special day! hepi father's day ye!

  4. watierman - yalah lucky you! totally forgot.haha

    kog - aah kog, betul tu, sebab dia tak baking2 resipi my sil, kasi, dia yang cakap namanya tu..hehe

    inahar ali - haha..ciankan, tak ada orang ingat father's day..hehe..rabak besor ler, sebab kena bayar untuk semua 7 org yg makan..hehe kalau plan awal2 mungkin half the amount spent aje..kiki..tapi tak apa lah..sekali2 kan..

  5. salam ayu apa khbr lama tak tegur ayu..

    hari ni ilah bz di kementerian pertahanan kami MINDEF..anak terima anugerah cemerlang dari menteri pertahanan.. ini kali pertama menteri dan PAT semua hadir..
    terasa anak2 dihargai..
    mcm mana di spore? 'bertukar pengalaman..bukan ada niat disebaliknya..sama2 kita doakan kecemerlangan anak2 disamping masak memasak kan ayu... hehe

  6. jalilah - walklsm, oh ya ke?..tahniah buat anaknya..kat spore, kalau anak cemerlang, so far kementerian tak ada kasi award..cuma WAKIL RAKYAT kawasan tempat tinggal adalah ..award hanya diberikan kepada ahli kementerian tu aje..atau dari kerajaan..

    betul tu, disamping masak2 memang mnjadi tugas kita untuk mendoakan yg terbaik untuk anak2 kan..

  7. salam kak ayu,
    dah banyak kali intai kek batik ni, tapi tak sempat tinggal komen. hihihi.
    Memang cantik kek batik ni. saya pun dah terliur. kena cari biskut marie dulu. :D

  8. indahhouse -walkslm, heheh..intai punya intai dah bekenan pulak ya..hehehe..cubalah nurindah mana tahu terus jatuh cinta..kiki

  9. Salam Ayu,

    tergelak sekejap baca dialog u n your Mr Hubby....your Mr Hubby ask 1 sentence, the wify give many-many sentences....typical eh kita mak2 ni...hehehhe....
    lain kali suruh your Mr Hubby send sms reminder the night b4, so u can prepare surprise for him pulak.....!

  10. lin - walkslm, hahah..itulah i pun baru perasan, he tanya 1 question i pergi jawap more then he asked..hahaha..itu yang dia pun tak boleh tahan terus tell me off sebab, no point hint2 dari pagi the whole family tak perasan dia punya hints tu..wakakaka..

    how was your holidays?..mesti best ni..


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