Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sambal Goreng Katerina

Salam petang, dibulan Rejab yang dah masuk hari kedua hari ni..Yesterday, some friends ada yang puasa sunat bulan Rejab ya...School holidays already on the 3rd week, next week will be the last week before the kids masuk sekolah balik...

Nampak gaya memang confirmlah we are not going anyway..huhu...last weekend, we went out to look for our toilet floor tiles and found yang almost near colour to our slate floor..this time round, we didn't choose slate tile for our flooring, as the contractor, advised us not to use that tiles as slate absorbs water!(no wonder leaking)...this time we just choose the normal homogeneous tiles..so I can imagine, after putting up the tiles, slate tile for the wall and another homogeneous for the floor, mesti my toilet dah tak macam 'resort' concept lagi ler..hehe.. Ah! at the moment dah tak kisah lawa ke, resort ke, yang penting, just do the toilet so that it wont leak anymore and just wanted to carry on with our lives!..

Ok back to Food!...When I made this I halved the ingredients, and just used 100ml coconut milk for it..instead of 250ml..just wanted a slight 'lemak' in it but not too much as using a small packet of coconut milk....

300 gm kacang panjang-(300g long beans)
2 keping tempe (potong dadu dan goreng)-(2 hard fermented soybean cake diced and fried)
2 keping tauhu (potong dadu dan goreng)-(2 hard bean curd diced and fried)
1 keping fucuk (rendam)-(1 dried bean curd stick soaked)
1 peket kecil suun (rendam)-(1 small pkt bean thread vermicelli)
2 biji kentang (potong hiris dan goreng)-(2 potatoes sliced and fried)
2 sudu besar air asam jawa-(2 tbsp tamarind juice)
500 ml santan kelapa-(500ml coconut milk)

Baham Kisar :- Blended Ingredients:-
4 labu bawang besar-(4 large onions)
10 tangkai cili kering-(10 dried chillies soaked)
6 ulas bawang putih-(6 garlics)
2 cm halia-(2cm ginger)
30 gm udang kering-(30g dried shrimp)
1 batang serai-(1 lemon grass)
2 cm lengkuas-(2cm galangal)

Panaskan minyak dan  kemu­dian tumis bahan kisar dan kacau hingga garing.
Masukkan semua bahan sayuran, santan, air asam jawa dan kacau hingga masak.
Rasalah masin dan ma­nisnya. Gaul sebati sehingga semuanya masak.-(Heat oil and saute blended ingredients till oil rises up the surface. Add in vegetable ingredients, coconut milk, tamarind juice stir till cooked. Adjust the taste to salty and sweetness. Mix all till Incorporated and cooked.)
Sources:-From sajionline.com

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