Friday, June 11, 2010

Devil's Food Chocolate Cake

Actually have seen this recipe for quite sometimes in Cik Ayu's blog (sama nama)..hehe..since then everytime, I see the chocolate ganache and the cream cheese frostingnya tu..telan my air liur..ajelah..intended to just keep the recipe for the next birthday cake, but I just cant tahan anymore ler!!!..So I made this yesterday, and today just left with 1 miserable slice for me!!..

This is definitely a highly recommened recipe according to Cik Ayu, she got this from her friend Edina, then Edina got it from The Kitchen Guardian ..thank you dear all  for this superb recipe!!!..We love it..only to take note that next time I would like to halved the cream cheese and chocolate ganache amount, kalau buat 2 adunan mungkin just nice..

1 cup all purpose flour
1/4 cup cocoa powder-( Ayu used Valrhona cocoa powder)
3/4 tsp bicarbonate soda
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup granulated sugar-Ayu used 1/4 cup
1/2 brown sugar- Ayu used 1/4 cup
65g butter
1 large egg
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 cup buttermilk- (homemade 1 cup milk added with 1 tbsp distilled vinegar leave to rest for about 20 minutes, but use 1/4 cup only ya for this recipe)
1/2 cup warm water

Set your oven at 170C
Prepare your cake tins.
Sieve flour, cocoa powder, bicarbonate soda, salt, and set aside.
Beat butter with sugars until light and fluffy, add eggs.
When all well incorporated add the dry ingredients (flour, cocoa powder etc) and alternate with liquid ingredients (buttermilk + warm water) in three portions, last incorporate the vanilla extract.
Bake for about 30 minutes or until just cooked

Cream Cheese Frosting-(make 1/2 the amount  next time)
250g Philadelphia cheese-(next time just use 1/2 this amount for the cream cheese)
125 butter
1 cup icing sugar-Ayu used 1/4 cup
1 tsp vanilla extract
juice of a squeezed slice of lemon
Beat the cheese and butter, just until creamy, add the icing sugar, vanilla and lemon juice.

Chocolate Ganache-(make 1/2 the amount next time)
200ml double cream with at least 30% fat content-I used whippping cream
250g dark chocolate, chopped finely
a pinch of salt
In a double boiler, warm the cream until just at boiling point, add the chocolate & salt and stir. When all the chocolate has melted, remove for heat and continue stirring until all well mixed.
Let the cake cool completely, spread the cream cheese frosting and pour the ganache on top.

 For those needs translation here it is updated in Malay:-
 TRANSLATED BY Ayu@curlybabesatisfaction
 Bahan: -
1 cawan tepung gandum
1 / 4 cawan cocoa powder-(Ayu gunakan Valrhona)
3 / 4 sdt soda bikarbonat 
 1 / 4 sdt garam  
1 / 2 cawan gula pasir-Ayu gunakan 1 / 4 cawan  
1 / 2 brown sugar-Ayu gunakan 1 / 4 cawan  
65 g mentega 
 1  biji telur besar  
1 sdt vanili ekstrak
1/4 cawan buttermilk-(buatan sendiri 1 cawan susu ditambah dengan 1 sudu makan cuka. Rehatkan selama 20 minit tetapi recipe ni hanya gunakan 1/4 cawan saja) 
1/2 cawan air suam

Set oven 170C. Siapkan atin kek anda.
Ayak tepung, cocoa powder, soda bikarbonat, garam, dan ketepikan. Pukul mentega dengan gula sampai ringan dan mengembang, tambah telur. Bila semuanya sudah sebati masukkan bahan2 kering(tepung, cocoa powder) bergantian dengan bahan2 cair(buttermilk+air suam) dalam tiga bahagian.Terakhir masukkan vanili estract. Bakar selama sekitar 30 minit atau hingga masak.

Cream Cheese Frosting:-(lain kali buat 1/2 adunan aje)
250g Philadelphia cream cheese
125g mentega
1 cawan gula aising-(Ayu gunakan 1/4 cawan aje)
1 sdt vanili ekstrak
jus daripada lemon
pukul(sorry just edited) cream cheese dan mentega hanya sampai creamy aje, tambahkan gula aising dan jus lemon.

Chocolate Ganache:-(lain kali buat 1/2 adunan aje)
200ml double cream-(Ayu gunakan whipping cream)
250g coklat gelap dicincang halus
sedikit garam
Double boil cream jangan sampai mendidih,tambah coklat & sedikit garam, kacau rata. Bila semua sudah cair, Angkat dan sejukkan dulu baru sapukan frosting krim keju & tuangkan coklat ganache diatas.


  1. ooo.. terus rasa nak cari cream cheese besok pagi!

  2. salam ayu..

    akk pun dah pernah tgk resepi ni kat blofg lain tapi kat sini betul2 teruja akk ni weh...tak tahan ayu...dag rancang nak buat kek coklat ni tapi tukar resepi lah pulakk kena buat yg ni ..tq2 ayu..

  3. kog - hehe..tunggu kedai bukak dulu ya kog..cubalah..

    anonymous - walkslm, siapa disana tu?..hehe ayu disini.. haha..change of plan ya kak..cubalah ..Ur welcome kak.

  4. Just found ur blog, lots of yummy food in here. Nice...

  5. Salam.. Ayu,
    Suka sgt baca blog Ayu, sgt. menarik & byk information yg. berguna.
    Suka dgn. resipi² yg. Ayu attachedkan kat sini...especially kek coklat... mmg favourite family saya & masakan yg. lain.
    Semoga Ayu terus menulis (menaip)& attachedkan byk resipi lagi...
    Two thumbs up 4 ur blog.

  6. queen of dessert - Welcome to my blog!..thank you for visiting, hope to hear more often from you..:-)

    Eni - walkslnm aduh, melurut dah kain ku ini..hehe..thank you for the nice words!!..memang my family suka benar, dgn kek coklat, itu sebab, selalu ada kek coklat kat sini..haha..frankly, guests or visitors like youlah yang make me terus bersemangat untuk terus berposting(berblogging)..insyaallah selagi ada resources untuk direfer, tenaga dan waktu, akan diteruskan perkongsian ilmu ini..Mudah2han..amin.

  7. Ayu,
    Saya addkan blog Ayu dalam column favourite hari-hari saya boleh baca blog Ayu. :)
    Itupun hari bekerja saja during breaktime hr, computer kat rumah dah lama rosak..habis diterjemahkan oleh anak lelaki saya...sabaq je la.... :)

  8. Helnie - salam Helnie, wow, rasa terharu, you add my blog to your favourites ya..thank u ya Helnie,
    selalulah2 tinggalkan jejak kat sini ya..Helnie dari Msia or Spore?..

  9. Salam Ayu,
    Helnie & Eni tuu..sayalah jugak :) He..He..sori la,ntah camno leh "tersyasyul"menaip..ish..ish..
    Saya dari M'sia, Kedah.

  10. Helnie - Walklsm, ooohh!!..alkisah..hehe..patutlah hari tu saya, macam mangagak macam sama orang..tapi tak pasti..hehe..dari KEDAH, jauh tu..
    pernah pergi tapi only Langkawi, but more than 10 years ago..mungkin sekarang dah banyak berubah..nice to know u Helnie!

  11. salam kak, nak tanye yg recipe nie leh turn to cuppies tak..

  12. nazia- salam nazia, this recipe boleh dibake in problem..
    after baking as usual, sapukan cream cheesenya dan chocolate ganache ontop..:-)

  13. salam kak, nak tanya this cake u pakai size apa? i mean the baking tin? 9" tin boleh tak?

  14. anonymous - walkslm, this baking dish yang akak pakai was 9"x 7", tapi macam gitulah tak berapa tinggi keknya..

  15. waaa...droolingnya tgk cake ni...
    kena try buat ni...hoping menjadi...neway, i suka ur blog mcm2 recipe ada...i follow u k :D

  16. rina nar -memang kena cuba rina..sedap kek ni..hehe..thanks sudi keblog akak & follow juga ya..

  17. As Salam ayu
    Akak nk copy lah resepi ni ..
    Mmg peminat coklat...
    Tkasih ayu

  18. kakzaa - walkslm, silakan kak zaa,
    samalah mcam kita minat dgn coklat..hehe

  19. nonie - silakan nonie..harap ia kena dengan selera nonie ya..

  20. Nonie dh cnp n dah buat,mkn dgn buah strawberi nyummeh

  21. ohhh!!! melting!! dpt rase 1 slice pon enuff la... :(

  22. nonierahman - akak suka bila nonie suka..hehe ..

    cik.nisa.khaidir -..heheh kena cuba buat sebab yang ni dah lama habis dah..hahah..

  23. oledi in my list! hihih :) thanks for sharing the recipe sis.. :)

  24. Salam Ayu,

    Maafkn akk if I'm wrong tp just nk perbetulkn the translation of this recipe...@ beat the cream cheese as u wrote double boil it (d bhgn BM)...won't it suppose to be 'pukol' ...sorry

  25. cnk -hope you dah buat & kena dgn selera..

    ann@dn - walkslm, kak kita yang patut sorry tersalah type tu..anyway dah edit dah..hari tu cuba tak sempat nak jawap comments akak ni..thanks kak for informing..hope akak pun dah buat & harap kena dgn selera ya..

  26. shas - memang sedap harus dicuba ni..ramai yang dah cuba kata sedap..heheh..

  27. dah beberapa hari saya dok belek2 blog akak ni.. jatuh cinta lah kak dgn semua resepi2 akak.. kena cuba ni kak.. tq kak

  28. Salam Kak Ayu, kak do i need to refrigerate the cake when i pour the cheese on top of the cake. same goes to the ganache.

  29. atie - alahai atie, akak baru perasan comment atie ni..sorry ya..silakan atie kalau nak mencuba tu ya..tq juga buat atie kerana sudi belek2 blog akak ni..hehe

  30. nazia - walkslm, nazia, you dont have to refrigerate the cake, but after putting the cream cheese then you put in the fridge kasi set the cream dulu baru senang nak tuang ganache tu..


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