Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Telur Ikan Lemak Cili Api

 Salam keudara lagi..hehe..some of today's entries are yesterday's menu...will update as fast as possible...
bought this telur ikan(fish roe) on Sunday..memang plan nak masak  lemak cili api ni..cause selalunya just fried aje...my mum wanted to eat ikan parang(wolf herring) lemak cili api, so I just combine the telur ikan together to go along...telur ikan ni pun sedap kalau dimasak asam pedas..maybe next time nak buat jugalah...

According to my cousin,(orang Negeri Sembilan), if were to cook chicken/beef lemak cili api, dont put onions to the dishes, but for fishes you can add..so till now, when I cook fishes lemak cili api, onions will be there...
recipe, tak payah lah ya..I guessed you all dah tahu masak ikan lemak cili api, as for this just added the fish roe ajelah....oh atau yesterday nampak kat rumah Kak Zai, mungkin boleh juga ikut resepi kat situ ya..
Thank you kak zai, kita link kan posting akak tu ya..lebih kurang samalah recipenya tu..


  1. chedapnyer!!!!!!!!!!!! :) kena pulak gu dgn ikan kering/masin.. fuhhhhh pastu ada pulak sambal belacan.. abis nasi ayu seperiuk hihi

  2. Nor - hahah..betul tu Nor, tak sadar
    nasi kena masak lagi kan..heheh


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