Friday, July 09, 2010

Chocolate Banana Muffins

 There were only 3 miserable pisang rajah left in the fridge when it was supposed to be made for another recipe, I just forgotten about it till the banana skins have turned to black..heheh...those were the balanced that I've put aside after frying some banana fritters the other day..really wasteful if were to throw it away, as pisang rajah was quite rare to be located in my far can only be found in Geylang market...

The original recipe was to garnish sliced bananas on top of the muffins but I was shot of 1, I just used the chocolate chips as the toppings and instead of using the Valrhona feves which the recipe calls for, I just used the normal chocolate chips available at home... I didnt adjust the sugar amount and it was just nice, within minutes the muffins were done!!!....
Recipe was taken from Do what I Like.. thank you Florence for the well received menu in my house!..Will revisit this recipe next time with the sliced banana garnish..

200g cake flour-I used top flour cause no stock
1 tsp baking soda -(potash)
1/4 tsp salt
40g castor sugar
40g light brown sugar

20 pieces 66% Valrhona Feves chocolate (Do not add to dry ingredients)-I used chocolate chips cause no stock

Wet Ingerdients:- 
185g banana mashed- I used pisang rajah
2 tbsp maple syrup -I used 1 tsp vanilla essence
70g plain yogurt
50ml milk
100g lightly beaten egg-(2 small eggs)
40ml melted butter

Combine all dry ingrdients till well mixed. Combine all wet ingrdients till well mixed. Pour (1) into (2) and mix everything until just combined and batter is thick. Do not overmix. Spoon some batter into muffin tray lined with paper muffin cups, top with 2 pieces of feves chocolate then add in more batter till the cups is 80% full. Place a slice of banana on top of each muffin for garnish. Bake at 190C for 20 minutes-30 minutes or till golden brown and cooked.
Sources:- From

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